The invasion of Ukraine and the vote on the associated UNGA Resolution of March 2nd shed a new light on Russia’s influence in the African continent. From the security to the energy and mining sectors, Russia has in the past years been expanding its strategic engagements in many African countries.
The consequence hereof today is that African countries are being drawn in and impacted by the high rising tensions between the great powers in various and complex ways. International sanctions against Russia are posing new challenges for Africa’s many mineral producing countries, long-standing diplomatic relations are being severely tested, and Russian mercenaries are becoming an increasingly important player in a renewed scramble for Africa.
IPIS invites you to a panel discussion on Thursday 29th September 2022 in Brussels to analyse Russia’s geopolitical and mining interests in Africa and the implications of the Ukraine invasion.

Date: September 29th
Time: 4 – 6 PM
Location: Atelier 29
Jacques de Lalaing 29, 1000 BRUSSELS
Welcome and opening remarks. Honorary Ambassador Johan Swinnen, IPIS Chairman
Panel discussion
Russia’s geopolitical and mining interests in Africa: implications of the Ukraine invasion

Hans Merket. IPIS Researcher focusing on human rights issues in the diamond supply chain.

Nina Wilén. Director of the Africa Research Programme, Egmont Institute for International Relations and Research Leader, Antwerp University.
Moderation: Filip Reyniers, IPIS Director
Closing remarks. Filip Reyniers
The discussion will be followed by a networking reception.
This event is supported by the Belgian Development Cooperation and based on research funded by the European Commission.