NEWS IN BRIEFSunday, 25 January, saw the Congolese Senate vote to remove a controversial amendment to electoral law that prompted violent demonstrations throughout the country last week, including in Kinshasa, Goma and Bukavu. The provision, proposing to oblige the conduct of a lengthy national census prior to the next presidential elections, was seen by many as a means of extending President Kabila’s time in office. Hundreds were arrested during the protests, which have seen rights groups charge the authorities with engaging in excessive use of force, including unlawful killings and arrests. Internet and mobile services were shut down and a number of political arrests are reported to have been made, as international responses to the escalating situation called for a restoration of peace.
Meanwhile, in the eastern provinces, hundreds of police were deployed around Beni amid fears concerning planned protests, whilst in South Kivu 85 former Raia Mukombozi fighters surrendered to the FARDC in Bukavu. In Shabunda territory, 750 artisanal miners have been forced to leave mine sites along the Ulindi River by the Raia Mutomboki, whilst in Equateur a land dispute in South Ubangi has occasioned five dead and much displacement. In Province Oriental, clashes between the FARDC and the FRPI are said to have left 22 rebels and 7 soldiers dead in Ituri, where 63 children were reportedly demobilised from the Mai-Mai Simba.
In the Central African Republic, last week saw a number of hostage takings, culminating on Sunday 25 January in the abduction of Minister for Youth and Sport, Armel Sayo. Eight local officials kidnapped in a subsequent hostage attempt, and a French humanitarian worker were later freed. Anti-balaka and ex-Seleka representatives signed an initial agreement for a ceasefire in Nairobi this week (Tuesday, 27 January) – the outcome of talks that began in early December. No timeframes had then been given for the next phase of discussions. The UN Security Council has renewed its CAR-related sanctions for another year, together with the mandate of the UN panel established to monitor these.
In Burundi, the BBC has reported that 17 of the rebels killed during fighting that erupted in Cibitoke in early January were shot by the Burundian Army at point blank range following their surrender. The fighting is said to have left at least 95 dead earlier this month.
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