24 – 30 October 2012



In Goma, North Kivu, last week the Ministers of Defence of the Great Lakes region discussed the operationalisation of the international neutral force that is meant to be deployed along the border between Rwanda and the DRC. A few days earlier in Brussels, Congo’s Prime Minister Matata Ponyo doubted the possibility of a regional solution to the conflict in eastern DRC, calling it “almost hypothetical”.
On the ground no clashes between the Congolese army and the M23 rebels, but an incident with soldiers thinking they were attacked by M23 left several people dead.
In the Virunga National Park, Mai-Mai fighters ambushed a patrol and killed two park rangers and a soldier.
Shocking news again came from the areas in Ituri and North Kivu where the Mai-Mai militiamen of Chief Morgan and his Pygmy lieutenant Manu keep on terrorising the population.
In Bukavu, South Kivu, the renowned gynaecologist and human rights activist Dr Mukwege escaped an attack at his home and was brought to safety in Burundi.
The Burundian rebels of FNL created havoc in the south of South Kivu.
A report by the Enough Project draws the attention to the illegal gold trade in eastern DRC, which is now financing more than other minerals rebels and army commanders.
Global Witness published a report on the widespread illegal logging and timber trade in the DRC.
In the upcoming revision of the DRC mining code, Congo’s government wants a bigger share in mining projects.
Rwanda’s High Court sentenced leading opposition politician Victoire Ingabire to eight years in prison for conspiracy against the authorities through terrorism and war, and denial of the genocide.

Arms Trade and Security in the Great Lakes Region

Recent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. 

International force against armed groups in Eastern DRC (ICGLR)

RDC-Rwanda: un plan d’opérationnalisation de la force neutre adopté à Goma | 26th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

The Defence Ministers of the member states of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) adopted the operationalisation plan of the international neutral force that is to be deployed on the border between the DRC and Rwanda to fight the armed groups

Kinshasa annonce la nomination « dans un bref délai » du commandant de la force internationale neutre | 26th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

The DRC Defence Minister announced that the heads of State of the Great Lakes region will appoint “within a short time” the commander of the International neutral force and his deputy.

Guerre dans l’est – la SADC prête à participer à la force neutre | 27th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

The States of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are ready to take part in the international neutral force that will be deployed in eastern DRC.

Rébellion du M23 : les parlementaires de la CIRGL préconisent des solutions diplomatique et politique | 30th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

La solution de la crise en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) passe uniquement par la voie diplomatique et politique, a déclaré mardi 30 octobre à Kinshasa, le secrétaire général du forum des parlements de la Conférence internationale sur la région des Grands Lacs (CIRGL), Higiro Prosper.

Military cooperation in East Africa (EAC)

Defence Minister Calls for Strong Regional Military Cooperation | 27th October 2012 | The New Times | allAfrica

The EAC military cooperation should be taken as a key ingredient in the regional integration process, Defence Minister Gen James Kabarebe said yesterday. He was closing the regional military training that has been ongoing for the last two weeks at Rwanda Military Academy-Gako.

EAC Beefs Up Early Warning Systems | 27th October 2012 | Rwanda Focus | allAfrica

EAC Strengthens Early Warning Systems Amid Security Challenges | 28th October 2012 | Tanzania Daily News

In an effort to improve regional peace and security mechanisms, the East African Community is beefing up its Early Warning unit and mediation capacity.


Violence by Mai-Mai of Morgan in Province Orientale & North Kivu

Province Orientale : un chef coutumier décapité par les Maï-Maï de Manu à Lumu | 30th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

The Mai-Mai fighters of Manu, the Pygmy lieutenant of militia chief Paul Sadala alias Morgan, reportedly beheaded a customary chief, in front of the population of his village, close to Mangurejipa in North Kivu.

Province orientale : le chef des Walesse-Karo menacé de mort par les Maï-Maï de Morgan | 30th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

The chief of Walese-Karo chefferie in Mambasa territory, Province Orientale, has sougth refuge in Bunia, claiming he received death threats from the militiamen of Paul Sadala alias Morgan, for opposing poaching in the Okapi Wildlife Reserve.


Congo-Kinshasa: Le M23 en ordre de bataille | 28th October 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

No fighting is going on between the army and the rebellion which destabilises since May the East of the DRC. But the M23 hold manoeuvres and and say they are ready to hold off the enemy.

L’UDPS dément tout contact avec le M23 | 26th October 2012 | Le Phare | allAfrica

Opposition party UDPS strongly denies being in contact with the M23 rebel movement.

Nord-Kivu – Le M23 continue d’insécuriser des zones sous son contrôle | 25th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

According to MONUSCO, the M23 rebels commit rape, kidnapping, arbitrary detention, illegal taxation, acts of banditism and pillage.

Le M23 défait à Kilolirwe | 25th October 2012 | Le Phare | allAfrica

On 17 October, the FARDC repelled an attack of the M23 against their positions in Kilolirwe, 30 km from Sake on the road Sake – Kitchanga, MONUSCO said.

Conflict in the Kivus – UN Report Leaves Peace Process in Uncertain Position | 25th October 2012 | ThinkAfricaPress | allAfrica

Kampala — A leaked United Nations report accusing Rwanda and Uganda of supporting M23 may undermine regional peace talks.

RDC – Julien Paluku : “Le M23 rançonne les opérateurs économiques” | 24th October 2012 | Jeune Afrique

Interview with the Governor of North Kivu province. Julien Paluku talks about his recent decisions to combat crime in Goma and about the rebels of the Revolutionary Army of Congo (ARC), ex-M23, menacing the city.

RDC : Matata Ponyo juge «presqu’hypothétique» une solution régionale de la crise de l’Est | 24th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo judges “almost hypothetical” the possibility of a regional solution to the crisis in the East of the DRC, since some actors in the subregion of the Great Lakes are implicated in the war.

Deadly incident west of Goma, North Kivu

RDC : combats à l’arme lourde à l’ouest de Goma-Romandie | 29th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

RDC : 4 morts dans un échange de tirs entre FARDC à Sake | 29th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Gunfire in DR Congo due to ‘drunk soldiers’: army | 29th October 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

RDC: 4 morts dimanche dans des tirs dus à une confusion entre soldats (officier) | 29th October 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

Nord-Kivu: après l’échange des tirs à Sake, des officiers des FARDC interpellés | 30th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

RDCongo: 4 officiers arrêtés après les tirs meurtriers de dimanche | 30th October 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

A shooting incident among FARDC in Sake, North Kivu, left four dead and 19 wounded. Apparently two drunken soldiers shooting during a fight made other military think they were being attacked by M23.

Renowned activist against sexual violence attacked in Bukavu

PHR Urges DRC Government to Protect Hospital Director After Violent Attack | 25th October 2012 | Physicians for Human Rights | allAfrica

RDC : des hommes armés attaquent la résidence du docteur Mukwege à Bukavu | 26th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Noted Women’s Rights Activist in Congo Eludes Group of Gunmen | 26th October 2012 | The New York Times

Denis Mukwege: DR Congo anti-rape doctor attacked | 26th October 2012 | BBC Africa

UN chief condemns attack on home of renowned doctor in eastern DR Congo | 26th October 2012 | UN News Centre

Congolese doctor who worked with rape victims survives murder attempt | 26th October 2012 | The Guardian

Dr Denis Mukwege: we have few heroes in this world. He is one | 26th October 2012 | The Guardian

Activist, Prominent Doctor Denis Mukwege Targeted in Congo Attack | 26th October 2012 | The Enough Project

Le Dr Denis Mukwege échappe à la mort | 26th October 2012 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman

Govt Must Investigate Assassination Attempt On Activist Dr Denis Mukwege | 26th October 2012 | Amnesty International | allAfrica

Attack on Congolese doctor sparks outrage from UN envoy on sexual violence in conflict | 27th October 2012 | UN News Centre

Attempted Murder of DRC Healer and Hero | 28th October 2012 | Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa | allAfrica

A leading human rights activist from the Democratic Republic of Congo said on Friday that he had narrowly escaped what appeared to be an assassination attempt when gunmen infiltrated his home, took his children hostage and killed a security guard in a spray of bullets before fleeing in the family car.

Dr. Mukwege is a world-renowned obstetric surgeon who is founder and medical director of Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, where he and his staff have helped treat over 30,000 survivors of sexual violence.

RDC: le Docteur Mukwege évacué de Bukavu « pour des raisons de sécurité », assurent ses proches | 27th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Le Dr Mukwege se trouve au Burundi | 28th October 2012 | Le Soir

RDC: le Dr Mukwege en sécurité au Burundi, pourrait venir en Belgique -RTBF | 28th October 2012 | RTBF | Radio Okapi

Congo-Kinshasa: L’émotion toujours vivace à Bukavu après l’agression d’un «homme de paix» | 29th October 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that Dr Mukwege is safe in Burundi and could go to Belgium.

Mai-Mai kill 3 in Virunga National Park, North Kivu

Nord-Kivu : les miliciens Maï-Maï tuent 3 membres d’une patrouille mixte ICCN-FARDC | 25th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Rebels kill two park rangers in eastern Congo | 26th October 2012 | Reuters Africa

Virunga National Park: DR Congo rangers killed | 26th October 2012 | BBC Africa

8 Killed in Clash at DRC’s Virunga National Park | 26th October 2012 | Voice of America

Eight killed in militia attack at DR Congo wildlife reserve | 26th October 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

RDC : 8 morts lors d’une attaque de miliciens dans le parc des Virunga | 26th October 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

Two park rangers and a soldier were killed in a firefight with local Mai-Mai in the Virunga National Park on the western side of Lake Edward, near the border with Uganda. Five rebels were also killed in the attack in the park, which is one of the world’s last refuges for mountain gorillas.

Nord-Kivu : les FARDC délogent les Maï-Maï à Kanzama | 30th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

The Congolese military attacked and chased Mai-Mai rebels from a village on the shores of Lake Edward

Mai-Mai Nyatura to be integrated into army

Nord-Kivu: environ 1 000 ex-miliciens Maï-Maï Nyatura en voie d’intégration dans l’armée | 24th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

About a thousand ex-combatants of the Nyatura Mai-Mai group from Kalehe territory, South Kivu, will soon be integrated into the army.

MCC rebels surrender in Uvira, South Kivu

Sud-Kivu: 30 miliciens se rendent aux FARDC | 28th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

An officer and 29 elements of MCC, a new militia operating in Uvira territory, surrendered to the FARDC.

Burundi FNL in Uvira, South Kivu

Sud-Kivu : des rebelles burundais incendient 300 cases à Uvira, 7 morts | 29th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Burundi rebels of the FNL killed seven people and set on fire 300 straw houses in ten villages in Uvira territory.

Sud-Kivu : un groupe d’auto-défense libère 4 personnes enlevées par le FNL | 24th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

An self-defence group rescued four boys that had been kidnapped by FNL in Uvira.

Military operation in Fizi, South Kivu

Fizi/Kivu : Tahazari, nouvelle opération militaire contre les groupes armés | 26th October 2012 | L’Observateur |

The FARDC and MONUSCO launched a new joint military operation, called Taharazi (Alert), against the armed groups operating in Fizi territory.

UN destroys arms in Goma

Nord-Kivu : 242 armes légères détruites par l’UNMacc à Goma | 27th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

In Goma, North Kivu, the UN Mine Action Coordination Centre (UNMACC) destroyed 242 small arms and light weapons, mostly from ex-FDLR combatants.

Sexual violence

Fighting sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo | 26th October 2012 | UNDP | Reliefweb

A United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project in the Kivus and Ituri Districts, part of a broader Access to Justice Programme in DRC, is hoping to restore trust in the justice system; provide better access to justice, safety and security for victims of sexual violence; train police to investigate and the judiciary to prosecute those responsible; raise awareness about rights; and documenting the many crimes committed.


UPDF Overruns Al-Shabaab Hideout | 25th October 2012 | The New Vision | allAfrica

The Uganda contingent of the African Union forces in Somalia has raided an al-Shabaab hideout in the thickets of Albao, 20km north-west of Mogadishu, seizing several military hardware and items used for terrorism attacks.

Uganda mulls peacekeeping missions after UN Congo charges | 25th October 2012 | Reuters Africa

Uganda will reassess its military and peacekeeping operations in regional hotspots, a government minister said on Thursday, after the United Nations accused it and neighbouring Rwanda of backing Congolese rebels.


Britain Criticized For Rwanda Aid Donation | 24th October 2012 | Voice of America

Reprise de l’aide publique de la Grande-Bretagne au Rwanda – l’opposition britannique crie au scandale | 25th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

Human rights groups have criticized Britain for handing the Rwandan government $26 million in aid, after most international donors had frozen payments because of allegations that Rwanda was supporting a rebellion in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The British donation has been caught up in a political scandal in London.

Blood stains Rwanda’s seat in the UN | 25th October 2012 | European Voice

The EU could – and should – do more to hold Rwanda to account for fuelling the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


New armed group

L’armée burundaise aux prises avec de nouveaux groupes rebelles dans le nord du pays | 25th October 2012 | RFI

The Burundi army is confronting a new armed group in the northwest of the country. The otherwise unknown group launches its attacks from neighbouring DRC.

ICG Report

Burundi: Bye-bye Arusha? | 25th October 2012 | International Crisis Group

Africa Report N°192. Although the institutions are functioning and the government has been priding itself on its development and security achievements, Burundi is regressing.

Geneva conference on development in Burundi

Burundi: Make Human Rights a Conference Priority | 26th October 2012 | Human Rights Watch

The Burundian government and partners attending a conference on development in Burundi should make human rights issues a top priority. The conference in Geneva on October 29 and 30, 2012, will bring together representatives of the Burundian government, foreign governments, donor agencies, and others.


Central African Republic: Victims cry foul over Uganda’s LRA strategy | 30th October 2012 | IRIN

Uganda’s practice of pardoning and then integrating into its military captured or surrendered members of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), getting them to hunt down their former comrades-in-arms, has come in for criticism by civilians affected by the rebel group in the Central African Republic (CAR).

Refugee and IDP Reports

Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on the status of refugees in the Great Lakes Region

What Does the Kampala Convention on Internal Displacement in Africa Mean for Housing, Land and Property Restitution? | 25th October 2012 | Brookings

Central Africa: Humanitarian presence in the LRA-affected region (October 2012) | 24th October 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Central African Republic: Humanitarian presence in bordering regions (October 2012) | 24th October 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb


Action humanitaire en Province Orientale – Rapport mensuel septembre 2012 | 29th October 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

R.D. Congo – Quel quotidien et quel avenir pour les déplacés ? | 25th October 2012 | Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale | Reliefweb

DRC Humanitarian Crisis Growing Severe – OCHA | 25th October 2012 | The New Times | allAfrica

Nord-Kivu: des déplacés affluent vers Sake | 25th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Sud-Kivu – 5.000 déplacés victimes d’insécurité alimentaire à Uvira | 25th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord Kivu N° 38/12, 24 octobre 2012 | 24th October 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’information humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 43/12, 24 octobre 2012 | 24th October 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province de Orientale N° 39/12, 23 octobre 2012 | 24th October 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province de l’Equateur N° 41/12, 24 octobre 2012 | 24th October 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Brazzaville : le HCR a rapatrié plus de 30 000 Congolais de la RDC en 5 mois | 30th October 2012 | Radio Okapi


Burundi struggles to cope with Congolese influx | 24th October 2012 | UNHCR | Reliefweb

Le Burundi fait face à l’afflux de Congolais | 24th October 2012 | UNHCR | Reliefweb

Le HCR épaule le Burundi pour faire face à l’afflux de réfugiés en provenance de RDC | 25th October 2012 | UN News Centre

While tens of thousands of Congolese refugees have fled to Uganda and Rwanda since April, a smaller but significant number of frightened civilians have been fleeing from eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and seeking shelter in Burundi.

Justice and Tribunals 

Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on major trials and tribunals for crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region


Chebeya case

Procès Chebeya en appel: le général John Numbi ne comparaîtra pas | 24th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Procès Chebeya: Numbi ne comparaîtra pas | 24th October 2012 | BBC Afrique

Procès Chebeya – Inculpation du général John Numbi : les requêtes des parties civiles rejetées | 24th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

Affaire Chebeya – «La justice est en train d’organiser un procès crédible» | 25th October 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Procès Chebeya : la Haute cour militaire refuse la liberté provisoire au Colonel Daniel Mukalay | 25th October 2012 | Le Potentiel |

Procès Chebeya – Matata « ne voit pas la relation entre le chef de l’etat et un citoyen en rapport avec la police » | 25th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

Affaire Chebeya : une étrange vidéo pour décrédibiliser le témoignage de Paul Mwilambwe | 26th October 2012 | RFI

Procès Chebeya en appel: «Les Amis de Nelson Mandela» récuse la justice congolaise | 27th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Affaire Chebeya – les défenseurs des droits humains en appellent aux instances internationales | 27th October 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Procès Chebeya – Les ONGDH retirent leurs avocats pour non implication de John Numbi | 30th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

L’affaire Chebeya bientôt devant les juridictions insternationales | 29th October 2012 | Le Phare | allAfrica

ICC trial against Bemba

Patassé Cited in MLC Command | 24th October 2012 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica

RDC: la juge Fatumata Diara de la CPI déplore le retard enregistré dans le procès Bemba | 25th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Command Structure Dominates Bemba Trial This Week | 26th October 2012 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica

Witness Denies Being Paid to Testify for Bemba | 26th October 2012 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica

New Defense Witness Gives All Evidence in Closed Session | 29th October 2012 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica

Witness Denies Being Coached By Bemba’s Lawyers | 30th October 2012 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica


Victoire Ingabire sentenced to 8 years in prison

Rwanda’s High Court on Tuesday sentenced a leading opposition politician to eight years in prison. Victoire Ingabire, leader of the unregistered FDU-Inkingi party, had faced six charges and was found guilty of two: “conspiracy in harming authorities through terrorism and war” and denial of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Ingabire had pleaded not guilty. She was accused of transferring money to FDLR Hutu rebels and of questioning why no Hutu victims were mentioned in a genocide memorial.

Rwandan opposition politician jailed for eight years | 30th October 2012 | Reuters Africa

Rwanda Opposition Leader Sentenced to 8 Years | 30th October 2012 | The New York Times

Rwanda : l’opposante Ingabire condamnée à huit ans de prison ferme | 30th October 2012 | Le Monde Afrique

Huit ans de prison ferme pour l’opposante victoire ingabire | 30th October 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Rwanda: Victoire Ingabire condamnée à 8 ans de prison | 30th October 2012 | Radio Netherlands Worldwide | allAfrica

Eight Years for Victoire Ingabire | 30th October 2012 | Radio Netherlands Worldwide | allAfrica

Rwanda jails opposition leader for ‘treason’ | 30th October 2012 | Al Jazeera

Rwandan opposition leader jailed for treason | 30th October 2012 | The Guardian

Rwanda: Eight-Year Sentence for Opposition Leader | 30th October 2012 | Human Rights Watch

Rwanda : Une peine de huit années d’emprisonnement est prononcée contre une dirigeante de l’opposition | 30th October 2012 | Human Rights Watch

Victoire Ingabire condamnée | 30th October 2012 | BBC Afrique

Rwandan opposition leader Victoire Ingabire jailed | 30th October 2012 | BBC Africa

Ingabire Handed Eight Years | 30th October 2012 | The New Times | allAfrica

Victoire Ingabire Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison | 30th October 2012 | Rwanda Focus | allAfrica

Rwandan Minister Defends Ingabire 8-Year Prison Sentence | 31st October 2012 | Voice of America

Ingabire Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison | 31st October 2012 | The New Times | allAfrica

Genocide suspect arrrested in DRC

Genocide Suspect Arrested in DRC | 25th October 2012 | The New Times | allAfrica

RDC/Rwanda – Un suspect de génocide rwandais arrêté en RDCongo | 26th October 2012 | Hirondelle News Agency

RDC : un présumé génocidaire rwandais arrêté par Interpol | 27th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Genocide conviction in Finland

Finnish Court Upholds Pastor Life Sentence | 24th October 2012 | Hirondelle News Agency | allAfrica

La perpetuité confirmée pour un pasteur baptiste vivant en Finlande | 24th October 2012 | Hirondelle News Agency | allAfrica

Natural Resources in the Great Lakes Region

Recent news on issues relating to natural resource extraction and governance in the Great Lakes Region.

8th African Development Forum

Recipes for Overturning Africa’s Resource Curse to Blessing | 24th October 2012 | African Development Bank Group

Africans Come Together to Benefit from Their Own Natural Resources | 25th October 2012 | Voice of America

Delegates from around Africa wrapped up the 8th African Development Forum, ADF, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Thursday, October 25. African countries were called on to harness their abundant natural resources for the sustainability of economies and the empowerment of the people of the continent.


‘Conflict gold’ financing armed groups in eastern DRC

From Child Miner to Jewelry Store: The Six Steps to Conflict Gold in Congo | 25th October 2012 | The Enough Project

RDC: le trafic d’or nourrit la guerre | 25th October 2012 | BBC Afrique

Un réseau de contrebande minière signalé dans l’Est de la Rdc | 25th October 2012 | Le Potentiel |

Nord-Kivu : Exploitation illégale des minerais par le M23 qui contrôle les mines d’or | 26th October 2012 | Le Phare |

L’ONG américaine Enough accuse le M23 de trafic d’« or de sang » au Nord-kivu | 26th October 2012 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

The conflict-gold rush is thriving in eastern Congo. Recent U.S. legislation and supply-chain pressure from tech companies has made it difficult for armed groups in the region to sell the 3-T minerals—tin, tantalum, and tungsten—and as a result, rebels and army commanders have increasingly turned to gold. In a report released today, the Enough Project looks at the illegal conflict-gold trade in eastern Congo that is fueling one of the most violent conflicts in the world. The paper traces the gold trade industry from mines in eastern Congo into its final form: jewelry or gold bars sold to consumers worldwide.

Opaque Chinese gold mining companies in Ituri

Province Orientale : une entreprise chinoise sommée d’arrêter l’exploitation de l’or à Irumu | 27th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Province Orientale: des sociétés chinoises accusées d’exploiter illégalement de l’or à Irumu | 26th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

Local authorities in Ituri are ordering a Chinese gold mining company to stop its activities and three others to regularise their situation, because they are working in “total opacity”.

Illegal logging

Widespread abuse of logging permits opens up Congo’s forests to more destruction | 25th October 2012 | Global Witness

L’utilisation abusive généralisée des permis de coupe expose les forêts du Congo à un risque croissant de destruction | 25th October 2012 | Global Witness

Global Witness dénonce le pillage des forêts de la RDC | 25th October 2012 | Radio Okapi

‘Wild West’ timber trade threatening Congo forests – Global Witness | 26th October 2012 | Reuters | Engineering News

Exploitation illégale des forêts : agents de l’Etat et exploitants industriels indexés | 27th October 2012 | Le Potentiel |

Congo-Kinshasa: Une Ong dénonce les pratiques illégales de l’exploitation des forêts | 28th October 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Mise en place d’une commission interne pour examiner les différents permis de coupe de bois | 29th October 2012 |

Industrial logging companies and officials are systematically abusing community logging permits in order to bypass the Democratic Republic of Congo’s freeze on new logging concessions, says a new report by Global Witness. The “Artisanal Logging Permits” are designed to allow Congolese communities to carry out small-scale logging in their forests. But in practice, they are being used by foreign loggers to exploit Congo’s forests on an industrial scale, primarily for buyers in China.


DRC Revises Land Policy | 26th October 2012 | Voice of America

GOMA — Farmers organizations have been meeting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to discuss changes to the country’s land law, which is being revised.  Experts say the current law, mainly dating from colonial times, is out of date and failing to prevent conflict.  The land problems are acute in the country’s North Kivu province.

Extractive Companies, Energy, Trade and Foreign Investment

Recent news on national and international extractive and energy companies and investment in the Great Lakes Region

Africa: Managing Risks in the Extractive Industries | 25th October 2012 | African Arguments | allAfrica

ANALYSIS. Rising demand fuelled by emerging countries, most notoriously China and India, has led to increased competition for natural resources. Despite recurrent volatility in the markets, the trend is a rise in prices, oil being the prime example. In this context, frontiers have disappeared and previously overlooked regions, which include Western and Central Africa, constitute the new El Dorados.



Congo Government Wants 35% of Mining Projects in Code Revisions | 30th October 2012 | Bloomberg

DR Congo says seeks bigger stake in mine projects | 30th October 2012 | Reuters Africa

Miners rattled by DR Congo plan to raise stakes | 31st October 2012 | Reuters | Mining Weekly

Democratic Republic of Congo will seek to raise its stake in new mining projects to 35 percent in a revised mining code, up from 5 percent now, the country’s top mining official said on Tuesday.

Telferscot Resources Provides Operational Update on Copper Exploration in the Democratic Republic of Congo | 29th October 2012 | Marketwire

Telferscot Resources Inc. provides an operational update for its Kolwezi Project situated in the copper-cobalt rich Kolwezi District located in Katanga Province.

Diamant : l’Etat investit dans l’ex-Sengamines | 29th October 2012 | L’Avenir |

The State will fund the construction of a hydroelectric power plant and a modern factory for the treatment of diamonds in Kasai Oriental Province.

Additional Drilling Results at Africo’s Kalukundi Copper-Cobalt Project | 25th October 2012 | Marketwire

Africo Resources Ltd. reports that the resource drilling at its Kalukundi property has been completed and results for much of the drilling undertaken on the Anticline Fragment have been received and assessed.

Loncor Resources Reports Further Drill Intersections at Its Ngayu Project in DRC | 25th October 2012 | Marketwire

Loncor Resources Inc. announces further core drilling results at the company’s Makapela and Itali prospects, Ngayu Gold Project, northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Congo’s Gecamines Plans 500 Megawatt Coal-Fired Plant | 24th October 2012 | Bloomberg

Gecamines, Democratic Republic of Congo’s state-owned copper miner, will build a 500-megawatt coal-fired plant to help mining companies address electricity shortages, Chief Executive Officer Ahmed Kalej Nkand said.

Mills head to Kibali as development progresses | Randgold Resources Ld | Marketwire

Indicative of the steady progress being made with the development of the Kibali gold project, two giant 7 megawatt mills are currently being trucked halfway across Africa, from the east coast port of Mombasa to the mine site at Doko in the north east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Kibali mine will be one of the largest of its kind in Africa when it pours its first gold, scheduled for the end of 2013.


Dig Oil the president’s pet | 24th October 2012 | Africa Energy Intelligence

The firm Dig Oil has succeeded in starting the first-ever exploration campaign in the huge central basin without officially winning a permit.

La Corée du Sud manifeste son intérêt pour le pétrole de la Cuvette centrale | 24th October 2012 | Le Potentiel |

South Korea is interested in the DRC’s mineral oil, particularly in the Central Basin.



Uganda: Battle Over National Oil Company Reveals Strains of the Sector | 29th October 2012 | African Arguments | allAfrica

Uganda’s Oil Is Taking Too Long to Flow | 27th October 2012 | The Star | allAfrica


Nile Powers Uganda Slowly | 24th October 2012 | IPS

Uganda is facing the unwelcome possibility of increased costs for building a projected 600-megawatt hydropower plant at the Karuma Falls, on the Victoria Nile, owing to construction delays.

Karuma Dam Project Back on Course | 24th October 2012 | The New Vision | allAfrica


Solomon Signs Formal Option Agreement on Rwanda Property; Balance of Unit Private Placement to be Completed | 26th October 2012 | Marketwire

Solomon Resources Limited reports it has signed a definitive agreement whereby it has been granted an option to acquire 100% of the Rurembo Property, a prospecting licence for tin, tantalum, niobium and tungsten covering approximately 1,000 square kilometers in the Republic of Rwanda.


Angelique on Kabu 16 at last | 24th October 2012 | Africa Energy Intelligence

A go-ahead from lenders and backing from India have combined to clear the way for a dam project on the Kaburantwa river.

Regulation, Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on legal and reputational issues relating to businesses operating in the Great Lakes Region 

Transparency and conflict mineral reporting

Oil Company Lawsuit Against US Securities and Exchange Commission Threatens Global Transparency Initiative | 24th October 2012 | Publish What You Pay USA

EITI makes partial progress despite Big Oil resistance to contract and project level disclosure | 30th October 2012 | Global Witness

The international board of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) made partial progress to strengthen the initiative during its meeting in Lusaka, Zambia on October 25-26th.  While the EITI Board agreed to expand EITI’s reporting requirements, extractive industry companies continued to block the inclusion of transparency of resource contracts and project level payments. This comes at a time when the European Union (EU) Council agreed on October 26th to include project level reporting in transparency directives designed to mirror U.S. law.

U.S. Companies Making Strides to be Conflict-free in Congo, Despite Industry Lawsuit | 24th October 2012 | The Enough Project

ICGLR Regional Initiative on Natural Resources

Regional Countries Urged to Streamline Mining Trade | 30th October 2012 | The New Times | allAfrica

Countries from the region have been asked to implement the six tools put in place to guide the exploration of mineral resources under the Regional Initiative on Natural Resources (RINR). The six specific tools were put in place to curb the illegal exploitation of natural resources in the Great Lakes Region, and were approved by all 11 member states of the International Conference for the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).


U.S. Companies Making Strides to be Conflict-free in Congo, Despite Industry Lawsuit | 24th October 2012 | The Enough Project



‘Zambia’s Transparency On Mining Revenue Good’ | 27th October 2012 | Times of Zambia | allAfrica

Govt to Introduce Law On Extractive Industries 30th October 2012 | Times of Zambia | allAfrica

Government will introduce an Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Act that will compel all mining firms operating in Zambia to disclose their production figures and all material payments they make. The legal framework will among other things compel all mining companies including Gemstone and small-scale miners to disclose their production and payments made to Government to promote transparency and accountability.


AngloGold says Tanzania law changes worry investors | 29th October 2012 | Mining Weekly

Tanzania should stick to existing agreements in the fast-growing mining sector or investors will lose confidence, the company which owns the country’s biggest gold mine, said on Saturday. Major international miners are still in talks with the government two years after it passed mining legislation that included a rise in royalties on gold exports to 4% of gross value from 3% of netback value.