This week’s news began with the FARDC’s announcement of the launch of its Sukola 2 offensive against the FDLR on Thursday, 29 January. Whilst broadly welcomed, the news was received with concern and skepticism about the conduct of the operation and its potential impact on civilians, due in large part to a lack of clarity surrounding MONUSCO’s role. Later pledging its strategic, operational and logistic support to the campaign, MONUSCO nevertheless joined rights groups in calling for the replacement of two generals central to the operation (military head of the operation and new commander of the 34th Military region). These calls are based on the inclusion of these individuals on a UN list regarding the commission of human rights abuses.
In North Kivu, a new massacre in the early hours of Wednesday morning in a village north east of Beni town has prompted condemnation. Around 20 people were reportedly killed in a machete attack. In South Kivu, an attack on a bus between Uvira and Bukavu has been attributed to Burundian FNL rebels, whilst in Province Oriental 15 people, including one peacekeeper, were murdered in a gun attack on a nightclub in Aru, Ituri territory. In Katanga, clashes between Luba and Pygmy militias are said to have destabilised the Nyunzu and Manono territories causing displacement. The Carter Centre and three Congolese NGOs have raised concerns about a lack of public disclosure for over 60 mining contracts in the DRC despite the country’s transparency undertakings.
In the Central African Republic, the transitional authorities have rejected the draft ceasefire agreed between ex-seleka and anti-balaka representatives in Nairobi last week. The agreement has proved controversial in both method and content, having excluded the transitional government from the process and being attended by numerous demands including amnesty for those responsible for sectarian violence, a new transitional government and the subsuming of all foreign forces under UN trusteeship. Bangui’s rejection was echoed by, amongst others, France and the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC), culminating in the talks’ mediators confirming that the text of the agreement could not be validated. The UN independent expert on the situation of human rights in the CAR is currently visiting the country (3-14 February) to assess developments on the ground.
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