As a UN Security Council resolution on sexual violence in conflict hit the headlines this week, France’s Minister for Women’s Rights criticised Kinshasa’s failure to adequately bring FARDC soldiers responsible for the rape of over 130 women in North Kivu last November to justice.
MONUSCO has accused the M23 of committing further abuses against civilians in Rutshuru and demanded that it dismantle its administrative infrastructure in North Kivu – a demand met with refusal by the M23. Three UAV’s are to be deployed to assist MONUSCO in its security efforts in the east of the DRC by September.
Reports of forced child recruitment by the M23 continue in North Kivu, whilst both the Nyatura and FDLR militias have carried out separate attacks on the rebel group’s positions in the province. Clashes between the FARDC and the ADF/NALU have seen three dead in Beni, and thirty Nyatura rebels are said to have surrendered to the FARDC near Minova. In Province Orientale Ugandan intelligence officers are alleged to be within the ranks of Cobra Matata’s FPRI. The province has entered into a security agreement with two South Sudanese states. Meanwhile, in Katanga Mai-Mai militiamen are reported to have attacked Kasapa prison in Lubumbashi. Provincial leaders have called for calm in response to rumours of an impending Bakata Katanag attack on the city on Independence Day.
A tripartite meeting between Rwanda, the DRC and the UNHCR has deemed the application of the Refugee Convention’s cessation clause to Rwandan refugees in the DRC inappropriate, thus occasioning an agreement that such status shall remain in place at present.
In the Central African Republic heavy rains have seen the loss of 37 artisanal gold miners in a mine collapse. The security situation in the country is said to be deteriorating.
Uganda has awarded its Karuma hydroplant construction contract to Chinese Sinohydro.
Arms Trade and Security in the Great Lakes Region
Recent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region.
DRC-Sudan Cooperation Agreement
Province Orientale: les députés approuvent l’accord signé avec le Soudan du Sud | 25 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
La RDC et le Soudan du Sud signent un accord de coopération sécuritaire | 24 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Provincial Deputies from Province Orientale have signed and approved a security cooperation agreement with the Central and West Equatorial Provinces of South Sudan. The agreement aims to ensure security in the subregion. Through this agreement, Province Orientale and the two provinces of South Sudan are also committed to work for their emergence and development through the promotion of cultural and economic, technical, commercial progress.
UN Security Council resolution on sexual violence in conflict
Security Council Adopts Text Urging Targeted Sanctions against Perpetrators of Sexual Violence during Armed Conflict | 24 June 2013 | UN Security Council | Reliefweb
Security Council strengthens efforts to end impunity for conflict-related sexual violence | 24 June 2013 | UN News Centre
Violences sexuelles par temps de conflit : le Conseil de sécurité renforce la lutte contre l’impunité | 24 June 2013 | UN News Centre
UN Strengthens Fight Against Wartime Rape | 24 June 2013 | Voice of America
U.S. Envoy At UN Debate On Combating Sexual Violence in Conflict | 24 June 2013 | US Department of State | allAfrica
Angelina Jolie urges U.N. Security Council to act on war zone rape | 24 June 2013 | Reuters
The Security Council today sent a strong signal to perpetrators of sexual violence in conflict that their crimes will not be tolerated, adopting a new resolution to strengthen efforts to end impunity for a scourge that affects not only large numbers of women and girls but also men and boys.
L’Onu adopte une résolution sur les violences sexuelles | 25 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution on sexual violence in conflict zones. At the initiative of the United Kingdom, the Security Council met in New York on to discuss the theme “Women and peace and security: sexual violence in conflict.” This new resolution completes a system in place since the beginning of the millennium, thanks to the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1325.
Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)
Policy Alert: U.S. and A.U. Diplomacy Needed to Halt Kony’s New Chance to Regroup | 24 June 2013 | Enough Project
The U.S. military advisors deployed with Uganda against the LRA have cut rebel attacks by 53 percent over the last two years, but the progress is now in jeopardy because the mission has halted operations to find Kony and his top commanders since March.
Empowerment of Socio-economic Associations: A Regional Initiative in LRA Affected Areas | 25 June 2013 | Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Program | Reliefweb
The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has inflicted enormous suffering on millions of civilians in several countries of the Great Lakes and Central African regions since it began operating in the 1990s in Northern Uganda.
Analysis of regional peace efforts
The Framework Agreement: A good start? | 25 June 2013 | Congo Siasa
Blog piece analysing the Addis Abbaba Agreement and stating that the framework agreement has grander ambitions than just dealing with the recent outbreak of hostilities in the DRC. It wants to tackle the unfinished business of the Lusaka-Sun City peace process (1999-2006) and address the root causes of violence in the region. It sees these as the failure to build strong, accountable institutions in the Congo; and the persistent meddling of the region in the east of the country.
Have sub-regional organisations overpromised but under-delivered on the Great Lakes? | 26 June 2013 | Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
On 1 December 2010, the Secretary General of the East African Community (EAC), Juma Mwapachu, and the Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), Liberata Mulamula, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) committing the sub-regional bodies to consolidate efforts aimed at preventing, managing and resolving the conflicts in the Great Lakes region. The MoU also targeted the promotion of democracy and good governance; the prevention of sexual violence against women and children; and improving protection of human rights and the environment.
Failed States Index
Failed States. An annual special report by FP and the Fund for Peace | June 2013 | Foreign Policy
The top ranks of this year’s Failed States Index, prepared by the Fund for Peace and published by Foreign Policy, are depressingly familiar. Perennial stalwarts Chad, Afghanistan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have returned, while Somalia has the dubious honor of being the world’s No. 1 failed state for the sixth straight year.
The Invisible State. It’s time we admit the Democratic Republic of Congo does not exist | July-August 2013 | Foreign Policy
The international community needs to recognize a simple, albeit brutal fact: The Democratic Republic of the Congo does not exist. All of the peacekeeping missions, special envoys, interagency processes, and diplomatic initiatives that are predicated on the Congo myth — the notion that one sovereign power is present in this vast country — are doomed to fail.
Kampala talks
Pourparlers de Kampala – Kinshasa refuse de poursuivre les discussions avec le M23 | 20 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
Kinshasa ne serait plus prêt à poursuivre les négociations avec le M23 dans le cadre des pourparlers de Kampala, décidés dans le cadre de la Conférence internationale sur la région des Grands Lacs (Cirgl).
M23 Kampala talks set to resume | 20 June 2013 | IRIN
Reprise des pourparlers avec le M23 à Kampala | 24 June 2013 | IRIN
DRC and M23 delegates are back in Kampala, Uganda, for a fresh round of peace talks, but analysts say that unless both sides are fully committed to the negotiations, a political solution to the crisis in the DRC’s North Kivu Province is unlikely.
Pourparlers de Kampala – Chrispus Kiyonga consulte les délégations de Kinshasa et du M23 | 23 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
Le facilitateur ougandais Chrispus Kiyonga a poursuivi samedi 22 juin à Kampala (Ouganda) ses consultations avec les chefs des délégations du gouvernement de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et de la rébellion du M23 aux pourparlers politiques. Mais, rien n’a filtré.
L. Mende – « L’objectif n’est pas d’aller en guerre » | 24 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
L’impasse dans laquelle se retrouvent aujourd’hui les pourparlers de Kampala oblige Kinshasa à explorer d’autres voies pour sortir du bourbier de l’Est.
La MONUSCO appelle au démantèlement de l’administration parallèle du M23 | 20 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
Au cours de son point de presse hebdomadaire organisé, le mercredi 19 juin à Kinshasa, la Mission des Nations unies pour la stabilisation en République démocratique du Congo (Monusco), a rendu public, un communiqué de presse aux termes duquel elle réitère son appel au démantèlement immédiat et sans condition de l’administration parallèle illégitime organisée par le M23.
DRC Rebels Deny Their Leader Has Been Wounded | 20 June 2013 | Voice of America
The Democratic Republic of Congo’s M23 rebel movement has denied reports that its military commander, Sultani Makenga, has been badly wounded. An M23 spokesman also rejected a call from MONUSCO to dismantle its administration, including a proposed law court.
Nord-Kivu – Le M23 s’affronte avec les FDLR et Maï-Maï Nyatura à Rutshuru | 20 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
Les rebelles des Forces démocratiques pour la libération du Rwanda (FDLR) et les Maï-Maï Nyatura ont mené des attaques séparées contre les positions du M23, déployées respectivement à Kabunga et Rutshuru.
DR Congo deploys on M23 frontiers | 20 June 2013 | New Vision (Kampala)
According to the M23 Spokesperson Rene Abandi, the Democratic Republic of Congo government Wednesday deployed hundreds of soldiers and tanks along its frontier with M23 rebels territory creating new tensions in the war-torn country.
Des jeunes rwandais refusent de rejoindre le M23 – Kagame tourné en dérision | 21 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
Kinshasa accuse Kigali de « violation flagrante » de l’Accord-cadre d’Addis-Abeba | 22 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
La RD Congo a accusé samedi 22 juin | 24 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
La RD Congo a accusé samedi 22 juin à Kinshasa les autorités de Kigali de « violation flagrante » de l’Accord-cadre d’Addis-Abeba en forçant 16 étudiants rwandais de se joindre aux forces négatives congolaises du M23.
Nord-Kivu: le M23 accusé d’opérer des recrutements forcés des jeunes à Nyiragongo | 24 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Civil society in North Kivu have accused the M23 of recruiting a youth force in the territory of Nyiragongo and its surroundings. This has allegedly been carried out via the traditional authorities, who were reportedly forced to “give five young people to join the M23 on behalf of each entity.”
La Monusco accuse le M23 de tueries, pillages et enrôlements forcés au Nord-Kivu | 25 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
MONUSCO has accused the M23 of committing abuses against civilians in several areas of Rutshuru. Military spokesman, Colonel Felix Basse said on Wednesday, June 26, that the rebel movement is guilty of killings in recent days, looting and forced conscription of young people.
Unarmed UN drones to be operational by September
Drones Bolster UN Peacekeeping Capabilities | 26 June 2013 | Voice of America
The United Nations is preparing to send at least three unarmed aerial vehicles – commonly known as drones – to bolster its peacekeeping mission in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Force commanders from other U.N. missions say advanced technology could also help their operations.
Force Commanders Dwell on New Technology, Pre-deployment Training, Inter-Mission Cooperation in Briefing Security Council on Peacekeeping Operations | 26 June 2013 | UN Security Council | Reliefweb
The expanded use of new technologies — including unarmed drones — in United Nations peacekeeping operations could bolster both military and political intelligence and help save lives, the Security Council heard today during briefings by force commanders of a number of missions.
Sexual violence impunity
Paris juge insuffisantes les sanctions de Kinshasa après les viols à Minova | 25 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The French Minister of Women’s Rights, Najat Belkacem-Vallaud, has reportedly stated that inadequate sanctions have been taken against Congolese soldiers responsible for rape in Minova in North Kivu. More than 130 women were raped between 20 and 30 November 2012 in this region, when government soldiers fled the M23 rebel advance. Only a handful of soldiers have been sanctioned since.
Cross border crime
Les procureurs africains veulent plus de moyens pour lutter contre le crime transfrontalier | 23 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
A committee meeting of the Association of Prosecutors of Africa held in Kinshasa on Friday to Saturday, has emphasized the need to counter cross border crime. The Attorneys General of Africa discussed various forms of crime including illegal immigration, drug trafficking, money laundering and terrorism. Prosecutors have identified the causes as including corruption and porous borders.
Child protection
RDC : des ONG demandent à la brigade d’intervention de retirer les enfants des groupes armés | 21 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Thirteen Congolese and international NGOs have asserted that MONUSCO’s Intervention Brigade should identify the protection of children from armed groups as a priority. In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, June 18, in Goma (North Kivu), these NGOs, including Child Soldiers International, demanded that before any deployment, troops belonging to the Intervention Brigade and their FARDC allies be rigorously trained in the rights and protection of children.
Province Orientale
Ituri: 2 orpailleurs artisanaux arrêtés à l’Auditorat militaire de Bunia | 23 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The military prosecutor of the Bunia garrison, Major Khumbu Ngoma has arrested two officials of the Forum of artisanal miners in Ituri (Fora). Joseph Pitua and Uyewa Swinya, president and coordinator of Fora respectively, are accused of having participated in arson committed against two offices of the Congolese National Police to Pluto and Pili-Pili in in Djugu, Eastern Province.
Ituri: le commissaire de district dénonce la présence d’officiers ougandais aux côtés des FRPI | 26 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The Commissioner of Ituri in charge of economy and development, Rustic Avo Eka, has reportedly denounced the presence of Ugandan intelligence officers in the ranks of the FRPI of Cobra Matata in Getty . According Avo Eka, the Ugandan officers provide support to the troops in respect of military strategy to strengthen the militia.
North Kivu
Beni: 3 morts dans des affrontements entre FARDC et ADF/Nalu | 20 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Clashes on Wednesday, June 19, between FARDC and Ugandan rebels of the ADF / Nalu on the Mbau-Kamango road in Beni territory, reportedly killed two rebels and a soldier.
Nord-Kivu : plus de 30 miliciens se sont rendus aux FARDC à Bweremana | 20 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Over thirty Nyatura militiamen surrendered to FARDC troops on Wednesday, June 19, in Bweremana, a town located 10 kilometers north of the city of Minova. This surrender reportedly follows an awareness raising campaign targeting militiamen that has been running for the last three months.
Nord-Kivu : 75% des effectifs de la brigade d’intervention de la Monusco déjà à Goma | 23 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
At least 75% of the MONUSCO intervention brigade are already in Goma, North Kivu, with their equipment, according to military spokesman of the brigade, Abdoulaye N’Diaye. Malawian troops are still awaited.
Nord-Kivu: Richard Muyej nie vouloir se mêler de la motion de défiance contre Paluku | 23 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Minister of the Interior Richard Muyej has denied allegations of interference in the crisis in North Kivu’s provincial assembly regarding Julien Paluku’s motion of no confidence. Some political and social actors have accused the Interior Minister of interfering in the examination of the confidence motion brought against governor Paluku.
Nord-Kivu: le M23 accusé d’opérer des recrutements forcés des jeunes à Nyiragongo | 24 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Civil society in North Kivu have accused the M23 of recruiting a youth force in the territory of Nyiragongo and its surroundings. This has allegedly been carried out via the traditional authorities, who were reportedly forced to “give five young people to join the M23 on behalf of each entity.”
Nord-Kivu: la coordination intercommunautaire soutient la proposition du président Kikwete | 24 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The intercommunal cooperation body of North Kivu, which includes citizens of the Nande, Hunde, Hutu and Tutsi communities, have expressed their support for the proposal made to Rwanda and Uganda by Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, that they negotiate with their rebels.
Nord-Kivu: recrudescence de la violence dans le secteur Kiwanja-Rutshuru centre | 24 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Residents of the Kiwanja-Rutshuru Centre sector in North Kivu center have denounced the escalation of violence in the region controlled by the M23 for the last year. Some local sources say that it is difficult to identify the perpetrators of these acts of violence because of the profusion of armed groups in this sector.
La Monusco accuse le M23 de tueries, pillages et enrôlements forcés au Nord-Kivu | 25 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
MONUSCO has accused the M23 of committing abuses against civilians in several areas of Rutshuru. Military spokesman, Colonel Felix Basse said on Wednesday, June 26, that the rebel movement is guilty of killings in recent days, looting and forced conscription of young people.
South Kivu
Sud-Kivu: des bandits armés tuent une personne et blessent grièvement 2 autres à Bukavu | 21 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Gunmen shot and killed a young boy of ten years on Thursday night as well as seriously injuring two others in the Nkafu neighbourhood of Kadutu in Bukavu (South Kivu). The assailants reportedly targeted two families of this district and their acts have aroused the concern of many people in Bukavu who fear for their safety. Since Tuesday, a nurse at the Panzi Hospital has not shown signs of life. She had received death threats via SMS, according to her family.
Sud-Kivu : 4 suspects arrêtés et 4 armes de guerre récupérées après un bouclage à Bukavu | 26 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Police arrested four suspects and recovered four weapons of war and munitions during a cordon on Wednesday night, June 26, in Nyakaliba Kadutu in Bukavu. Security forces have also seized hard liquor.
Lubumbashi : les gardiens de la prison de Kasapa repoussent une attaque des Bakata Katanga | 23 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Mai Mai combatants attacked Kasapa Prison in Lubumbashi on Saturday night. The militiamen opened fire on the guards of the prison facility who repelled the attack. The confrontation lasted about twenty minutes. Witnesses reported one militiaman killed, another seriously wounded and a third captured. No escape was recorded.
Insécurité au Katanga : le gouverneur Katumbi devant les députés provinciaux | 26 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Invited by provincial deputies to explain the resurgence of insecurity in the province of Katanga, Governor Moses Katumbi reportedly appealed to the public for calm, stating that people should go about their business and pay no attention to leaflets circulating over the last few weeks announcing a Bakata Katanga raid on Lubumbashi on Independence Day.
Insécurité au Katanga : la Monusco annonce le déploiement des forces spéciales égyptiennes | 26 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Egyptian special forces will be deployed in Katanga to strengthen the Benin contingent already in place to protect the civilian population of this province, which has been plagued by insecurity caused by armed militia such as the Bakata Katanga.
Security situation
RCA: incident entre des éléments de la Seleka | 22 June 2013 | RFI
En Centrafrique, des tirs ont été entendus ce vendredi 21 juin à Bangui mais aussi à Bria. Dans cette ville du nord-est du pays, des éléments de la Seleka ont été très près de s’affronter dans les rues de la ville. Aucun mort n’est à déplorer mais l’incident est révélateur des tensions au sein de la Seleka.
La situation sécuritaire de la RCA : 3 mois après ? | 24 June 2013 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle
Centrafrique: vers de nouvelles tensions à Bangui? | 24 June 2013 | RFI
Mgr. Dieudonné Nzapalainga: «la Centrafrique se meurt petit à petit» | 25 June 2013 | RFI
Braquages et enlèvements : lot quotidien de la population de Bangui | 26 June 2013 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle
Trois mois après la prise de pouvoir de la Seleka, l’insécurité règne en Centrafrique | 26 June 2013 | RFI
En République centrafricaine, en l’espace de 3 mois après le coup de force du 24 mars dernier, l’insécurité demeure toujours grandissante dans le pays. Les populations centrafricaines, du Nord au sud et de l’Est à l’Ouest, se plaignent des agressions, des actes de violences et viols, d’enlèvements, de pillages et des braquages à répétition des combattants de l’ex-rébellion Séléka.
Refugee and IDP Reports
Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on the status of refugees in the Great Lakes Region
Central African Refugees
Le HCR satisfait de l’accueil réservé aux réfugiés centrafricains en RDC | 20 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
There are approximately 450,000 Congolese refugees in neighbouring countries while the DRC has tens of thousands of refugees from Rwanda, Angola and recently the Central African Republic (CAR).
Humanitarian Reports
Humanitarian Action in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Weekly Bulletin, 21 June 2013 | 21 June 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb
Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N° 22/13, 25 juin 2013 | 25 June 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb
Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 26/13, 25 juin 2013 | 25 June 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb
Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province Orientale N° 25/13, 26 juin 2013 | 26 June 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb
Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Katanga N° 24/13, 26 juin 2013 | 26 June 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb
Situation humanitaire en République Démocratique du Congo – Note d’information à la presse, 26 juin 2013 | 26 June 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb
Donor responses
Bridging the gap between relief and development in DRC | 26 June 2013 | IRIN
Every year, for nearly two decades, the humanitarian community has responded to large-scale and complex crises in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This year, on the assumption that the crises are likely to continue, donors have agreed to fund longer-term and more flexible humanitarian projects in DRC.
Katanga: la situation humanitaire est préoccupante à Malemba Nkulu, selon Ocha | 20 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The humanitarian situation remains worrying in Malemba Nkulu in Katanga, which has nearly forty thousand IDPs who are experiencing significant food insecurity.
DR Congo: Situation still very precarious in east of country | 21 June 2013 | ICRC | Reliefweb
Sud-Kivu : 400 familles de déplacés vivent sans assistance à Shanje et Mpumbi | 25 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Over four hundred displaced families are reportedly living without humanitarian assistance in the areas of Shanje and Mpumbi. The provincial president of the Hutu community in which most of the displaced are located have asked the authorities to take action to improve the living conditions of these families.
Le sort des réfugiés rwandais en RDC au centre d’une tripartite Rwanda-RDC-HCR | 20 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
A two day tripartite meeting has been held between Rwanda, the DRC and the UNHCR to determine the fate of Rwandan refugees who are shortly to lose their refugee status.
Time Still Not Right for Congolese Refugees to Return | 21 June 2013 | Inter Press Service | Reliefweb
Tripartite:RDC-Rwanda-HCR: pas de clause de cessation du statut des réfugiés rwandais | 22 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The Congolese government announced on Friday, June 21 in Kigali (Rwanda) that the cessation clause of the status of Rwandan refugees in the DRC will not be applied on June 30. The announcement was made at the end of a tripartite meeting between the DRC, Rwanda and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It was reported that the application of this clause, which would involve the loss of refugee status for Rwandan exiles in the DRC would be rushed.
Rwanda and DRC officials join refugees to mark World refugee Day | 21 June 2013 | Government of Rwanda | Reliefweb
La paix facilitera le retour des réfugiés congolais sur leur sol, affirme Richard Muyej | 21 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
On a visit to Rwanda, the DRC’s Interior Minister, Richard Muyej, pleaded for the return of peace to the DRC, in order to facilitate the return of Congolese refugees living outside the state’s borders. He made the statement after meeting with more than ten thousand refugees from his country who have found shelter in camps in Kigeme, about 170 kilometers from Kigali.
180 000 réfugiés africains vivant en RDC se plaignent de leurs conditions de vie | 22 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
One hundred and eighty thousand refugees from ten African countries are living in deplorable conditions in the DRC.
Le sort des réfugiés rwandais en RDC au centre d’une tripartite Rwanda-RDC-HCR | 20 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
A two-day tripartite meeting has been held between Rwanda, the DRC and the UNHCR to determine the fate of Rwandan refugees who are shortly to lose their refugee status.
Time Still Not Right for Congolese Refugees to Return | 21 June 2013 | Inter Press Service | Reliefweb
Tripartite:RDC-Rwanda-HCR: pas de clause de cessation du statut des réfugiés rwandais | 22 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The Congolese government announced on Friday, June 21 in Kigali (Rwanda) that the cessation clause of the status of Rwandan refugees in the DRC will not be applied on June 30. The announcement was made at the end of a tripartite meeting between the DRC, Rwanda and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It was reported that the application of this clause, which would involve the loss of refugee status for Rwandan exiles in the DRC would be rushed.
Rwanda and DRC officials join refugees to mark World refugee Day | 21 June 2013 | Government of Rwanda | Reliefweb
Centrafrique: une situation humanitaire alarmante | 21 June 2013 | RFI
Le risque d’une crise nutritionnelle grandit en Centrafrique | 23 June 2013 | RFI
Conséquence de la crise en Centrafrique, le bureau des Nations unies pour la coordination des affaires humanitaires (OCHA) estime dans son dernier rapport que 484 000 personnes dans le pays sont en situation d’insécurité alimentaire.
Justice and Tribunals
Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on major trials and tribunals for crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region
ICC Bemba trial
Witness Maintains Bemba Troops Did Not Commit Crimes | 20 June 2013 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica
Witness Says Central Africans Commanded Bemba’s Troops | 21 June 2013 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica
Former CAR Soldiers Absolve Bemba’s Fighters, Blame Rebels for Atrocities | 22 June 2013 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica
Bemba’s 25th Witness Concludes Testimony | 24 June 2013 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica
Witness Tells Bemba Trial CAR Soldiers Raped Wives of Suspected Rebels | 25 June 2013 | Bemba Trial Website | allAfrica
Rwandan genocide: Sweden jails Stanislas Mbanenande | 20 June 2013 | BBC Africa
Sweden Jails Man for Genocide Role | 20 June 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica
Un homme accusé de génocide au Rwanda condamné à la prison à perpétuité en Suède | 20 June 2013 | RFI
Sweden jails Rwandan for life for role in 1994 genocide | 20 June 2013 | Reuters
A Swedish court has sentenced a man of Rwandan origin to life in jail for his part in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda in which some 800,000 people were killed.
France : le capitaine Barril visé par une plainte sur le génocide au Rwanda | 26 June 2013 | RFI
Barril accusé de “complicité de génocide” | 26 June 2013 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman
Trois ONG françaises – l’association Survie, la Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’homme (FIDH) et la Ligue française des droits de l’homme (LDH) – ont déposé plainte, mardi 25 juin, à Paris, pour « complicité de génocide » contre l’ex-officier de gendarmerie, Paul Barril. Ce dernier est accusé d’avoir signé un contrat d’assistance militaire, en mai 1994, avec le gouvernement rwandais de l’époque, en plein génocide.
Natural Resources in the Great Lakes Region
Recent news on issues relating to natural resource extraction and governance in the Great Lakes Region.
US State Department conflict minerals map
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Mineral Exploitation by Armed Groups & Other Entities (as of 7 June 2013) | 25 June 2013 | US Department of State – Humanitarian Information Unit | Reliefweb
Gold mining and the Raia Mutomboki
Aid worker diary: the price of gold in DRC | 26 June 2013 | UNOCHA
OCHA’s Philippe Kropf provides a snapshot of the crisis in South Kivu, on a journey with his colleague Desire Mirindi to the mining town of Kamituga, where fighting between the rebel group Raia Mutomboki and government forces has displaced and terrorized thousands of people.
Mines minister
Kabwelulu escapes censure motion | 25 June 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence
Facing a censure motion in Parliament since last month, mines minister Martin Kabwelulu seems to have saved his portfolio, at least for the moment. (Subscription required).
Artisanal mining
Katanga : des creuseurs artisanaux travaillent dans des conditions inhumaines, selon Amnesty | 21 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Amnesty International has denounced the inhuman working conditions of artisanal miners in Katanga mining province in a report published on Wednesday, June 19. It states that between 75,000 and 150,000 miners are mistreated, underpaid and subjected to unfair rules. Containers are said to be transformed into dungeons where the miners are trapped for several days when they break the rules, according to the report.
RDC: Lambert Mende qualifie de non fondé le rapport d’Amnesty International | 22 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
In response to Amnesty International’s report charging government officials and private actors of seriously exploiting artisanal miners in Katanga, spokesman for the Congolese government, Lambert Mende has stated that these assertions are not justified and that the NGO has not conducted a proper investigation.
Ituri: 2 orpailleurs artisanaux arrêtés à l’Auditorat militaire de Bunia | 23 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The military prosecutor of the Bunia garrison, Major Khumbu Ngoma has arrested two officials of the Forum of artisanal miners in Ituri (Fora). Joseph Pitua and Uyewa Swinya, president and coordinator of Fora respectively, are accused of having participated in arson committed against two offices of the Congolese National Police to Pluto and Pili-Pili in in Djugu, Eastern Province.
RDC: un expert déplore la baisse de la quantité de poissons dans les cours d’eau | 25 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Mutambwe Shangu, an expert in eco-Aquatic Toxicology, denounced the decrease in the amount of fish in Congolese waters. He attributes this to certain fishing practices including the use of insecticide-treated nets and other nets with small mesh.
Isangi: les pêcheurs réclament le refoulement des hippopotames sur le fleuve Congo | 23 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
Isangi Fishermen have asked the administrative authorities oin Province Orientale to authorize the discharge of hippos, which have invaded this part of the Congo River and attack at night, disrupting fishing activity for two weeks.
Land clearance at Virunga National Park
Démolition des constructions anarchiques dans le Parc national des Virunga | 26 June 2013 | Radio Okapi
The warden of the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN) has destroyed several houses built in the Virunga National Park (North Kivu) in an operation at Kasindi-Lubiriha that seeks to recover more than 200 hectares that are illegally occupied by the local population.
Gemstone Bill
MPs Pass Royalty Bill On Minerals | 24 June 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica
The Bill establishing a royalty on Rwanda’s precious stones and metals has been passed. The Bill is meant to ensure fair sharing of the country’s natural resources.
Mining revenue
Rwanda Expects to Double Revenue From Mining Industry on New Tax | 26 June 2013 | Bloomberg
Rwanda’s government will almost double revenue from mining next fiscal year after the introduction of new taxes, said Evode Imena, the state minister in charge of the industry.
Land reform
Burundi: l’introuvable réforme des terres et des biens | 25 June 2013 | RFI
Le gouvernement du Burundi cherche depuis plusieurs mois à reformer la Commission nationale des terres et autres biens (Cntb), chargée de régler les conflits fonciers nés des différentes crises qui ont frappé ce pays, alors que son travail clive de plus en plus la société, sans y parvenir.
Gold mine collapse
Central African Republic gold mine collapses, at least 37 dead | 24 June 2013 | Reuters
CAR gold miners killed in pit collapse | 25 June 2013 | BBC Africa
RCA : deuil national après la mort d’une quarantaine d’orpailleurs | 25 June 2013 | La Voix de l’Amérique
RCA : 3 jours de deuil national décrétés en hommage aux artisans miniers de Ndassima | 25 June 2013 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle
La Centrafrique en deuil après la tragédie de Ndassima | 25 June 2013 | Afrik.com
At least 37 gold miners died and many others were injured in the Central African Republic when a pit in which they were working collapsed after heavy rains, the country’s presidency said on Monday.
AXMIN Comments on Reports of Mine Collapse in the Central African Republic | 26 June 2013 | AXMIN Inc. | Marketwired
AXMIN’s CEO, comments, “AXMIN is deeply saddened to learn of the tragic loss of life at a mine collapse in an area of the Passendro gold project that has been unlawfully occupied by illegal artisanal miners since the Company declared Force Majeure in December 2012”.
Official: Collapsed CAR Mine Had Previous Cave-In | 26 June 2013 | Voice of America
A Central African Republic official says a gold mine that collapsed Sunday, killing dozens of miners, was officially closed four years ago because of a previous cave-in.
Extractive Companies, Energy, Trade and Foreign Investment
Recent news on national and international extractive and energy companies and investment in the Great Lakes Region
Dam good connections | 21 June 2013 | Africa Confidential
South Africa’s financial and political commitment to the Inga III Dam and the international support has galvanised and given new life to this pet project of successive Congolese governments. Indeed, Inga III’s success relies on the enlightened self-interest of the Kinshasa and Pretoria governments in backing such a long-term development effort.(Subscription required).
The real power politics | 21 June 2013 | Africa Confidential
The latest plan to harness the Congo River is gigantic, internationally important, expensive and politically driven. A meeting of officials and investors in Kinshasa, hosted on 17-18 June by Energy Minister Bruno Kapandji Kalala on financing the Inga III Dam signals the government’s new seriousness about the US$12 billion project. It has just over two years to raise the money before it is due to start building what could become the world’s biggest hydropower project. (Subscription required).
Pipeline Lac Albert-océan Indien – Oil DRC pilote le lobbying auprès des autorités | 24 June 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica
La République démocratique du Congo ambitionne d’améliorer sa production pétrolière. L’importante production du brut attendue dans les prochaines décennies à partir du bassin du Rift de la RDC pousse à prévoir déjà des voies pour l’exportation.
RD Congo : L’embarrassant Dan Gertler | 25 June 2013 | Jeune Afrique
Présent dans le pays depuis seize ans, l’Israélien Dan Gertler y est devenu une figure incontournable et controversée. Opacité, recours aux paradis fiscaux, rachat à prix cassés d’actifs de sociétés publiques : les critiques pleuvent sur ce proche du président Kabila.
Kilo Goldmines Ltd.: Gold Geochemistry Anomalies Delineated on Four Other Licences, Somituri Project, DRC | 25 June 2013 | Kilo Goldmines Ltd. | Marketwired
Kilo Goldmines Ltd. announces results and interpretation of the reconnaissance soil geochemical surveys on the Boroda, Gambi, Dhahabu and Mpaka Exploitation Licences of the Somituri Project in Orientale Province, DRC.
Freeport warns customers that cobalt hydroxide shipments from Tenke will be cut | 26 June 2013 | MetalBulletin
Deliveries of cobalt hydroxide from Tenke Fungurume Mining in Katanga, DRC, will be curtailed in the second half of this year due to a lack of consistent power supplies, customers have been formally informed.
ENRC’s Founders Make Offer Valuing Miner at $4.7 Billion | 24 June 2013 | Bloomberg
Eurasian Natural Resources Corp. (ENRC)’s founders and the Kazakh government will offer a mix of cash and Kazakhmys Plc (KAZ) shares to buy ENRC in a bid that values the mining company at 3.04 billion pounds ($4.7 billion). The founders are seeking to take ENRC off the market five years after selling shares in the company at 540 pence apiece in a London initial public offering. The stock has dropped about 50 percent in the past year amid allegations of corruption in Kazakhstan and Africa.
Tullow/ Heritage litigation
Tullow Downs Heritage | 21 June 2013 | The Independent (Kampala) | allAfrica
When Tullow won its case against Heritage in the High Court in London, there were other parties celebrating than the oil company. In his judgment dated June 14, Justice Burton ruled in favour of Tullow’s indemnity claim for $313 million in its entirety and also dismissed Heritage’s counterclaim, in what many experts see as a positive development for Uganda’s nascent oil industry.
Tullow wins tax tussle | 21 June 2013 | Africa Confidential
Tullow Oil has won its bid to recover US$313 million from Heritage Oil and Gas, following their dispute over a $434 mn. Ugandan tax bill. Tullow shared ownership of two blocks in the Lake Albert oilfield with Heritage before buying out its partner in 2010 for $1.45 billion. It paid Uganda the tax on Heritage’s behalf after it denied liability. Claiming there was no provision in its contract for capital gains tax, Heritage had paid Uganda only 30% of the total and gave a bank guarantee for the remaining 70%, pending arbitration (AC Vol 51 No 14, A taxing compromise). Tullow then sued Heritage for the outstanding sum. (Subscription required).
Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda agree on oil pipelines | 25 June 2013 | Associated Press | Fuelfix
Uganda Agrees to Plan for Oil Pipeline to New Kenya Port | 25 June 2013 | Voice of America
East Africa to Build Two Oil Pipelines | 26 June 2013 | New Vision | allAfrica
Uganda-Kenya Oil Pipeline to Be Extended to Rwanda | 26 June 2013 | Rwanda Focus | allAfrica
Uganda’s foreign minister says the presidents of Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda have agreed to build two pipelines across East Africa, one of which would end South Sudan’s dependence on Sudan for its oil exports.
Consultant Tips On Uganda’s Oil | 25 June 2013 | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica
Building a refinery might be a complex undertaking given the nature of Uganda’s oil, but it will save the country millions of dollars, according to a top oil and gas consultant.
Karuma Finally On Course | 21 June 2013 | The Independent (Kampala) | allAfrica
After delays over jitters of bribery amongst bidders and ministry of energy officials, government has contracted Sinohydro Corporation, a Chinese firm to construct the 600MW Karuma dam.
Uganda Awards Sinohydro Contract to Build Karuma Hydro Project | 21 June 2013 | Bloomberg
Uganda has awarded Sinohydro Group Ltd. of China the contract to build the country’s biggest electricity plant on the Nile River after years of delays. Construction of the 600-megawatt Karuma hydroelectricity dam will begin next month and it will start producing power by 2018, the Kampala-based New Vision newspaper reported today, citing Energy Minister Irene Muloni. The contract is worth $1.65 billion and involves building a transmission line to Kawanda, outside the capital, Kampala, the newspaper said.
Uganda-Kenya oil pipeline to be extended to Rwanda
Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda agree on oil pipelines | 25 June 2013 | Associated Press | Fuelfix
Uganda Agrees to Plan for Oil Pipeline to New Kenya Port | 25 June 2013 | Voice of America
East Africa to Build Two Oil Pipelines | 26 June 2013 | New Vision | allAfrica
Uganda-Kenya Oil Pipeline to Be Extended to Rwanda | 26 June 2013 | Rwanda Focus | allAfrica
Uganda’s foreign minister says the presidents of Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda have agreed to build two pipelines across East Africa, one of which would end South Sudan’s dependence on Sudan for its oil exports.
Regulation, Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on legal and reputational issues relating to businesses operating in the Great Lakes Region
How to engage Chinese companies in EITI | 21 June 2013 | Global Witness
The Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) has been expanding rapidly in recent years, particularly among African and Southeast Asian countries. Within these regions, China has made a significant number of investments into extractive industries. Consequently, engaging Chinese companies in EITI affairs is important if they are to be more compliant with the standards of the organization. However, many find it difficult to communicate with Chinese firms on EITI issues.
US State Department conflict minerals map
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Mineral Exploitation by Armed Groups & Other Entities (as of 7 June 2013) | 25 June 2013 | US Department of State – Humanitarian Information Unit | Reliefweb
Perenco’s CSR in Muanda
Responsabilité sociale des entreprises : l’activité pétrolière redonne vie au territoire de Muanda | 26 June 2013 | Le Potentiel
Le couple Perenco-Muanda fait bon ménage dans le territoire de Muanda. Seule entreprise exploitant le pétrole en terre congolaise, la filiale congolaise de Perenco ne déroge pas à sa responsabilité sociale, répondant à toutes les sollicitations des communautés locales. Ainsi, sept bâtiments, parmi lesquels des écoles, des maternités, des bureaux de groupements et un centre de santé, ont remis aux autorités sanitaires et scolaires de Muanda, fruit de nette implication dans le développement de ce territoire.
Mining Code
Code: the three clauses that upset lawyers | 25 June 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence
With the government about to adopt new mining legislation, lawyers representing big mining groups operating in Democratic Republic of Congo are doing their utmost to water down or otherwise alter the fresh code. (Subscription required).
Green Party seeks registration In Rwanda
Rwandan opposition group seeks registration, political freedoms | 21 June 2013 | Reuters
Le Parti démocratique vert du Rwanda en quête d’enregistrement | 22 June 2013 | RFI
Hundreds of opposition supporters packed a hall in the Rwandan capital on Friday saying they were determined to register their party after what the group has said was years of obstruction by the government of President Paul Kagame.
Gasabo Urges Green Party to Follow Registration Procedures | 24 June 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica
The Green party held its founding congress last week, however, not all the legal requirements were met. One requirement the Green party failed to meet was related to the signatories of the statute.