19 – 25 February 2015

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News in Brief

This week has seen the FDLR accused of atrocities in the Lubero and Walikale territories of the DRC’s North Kivu province. Military inaction since the group’s January 2015 deadline has led to political calls for the Congolese army and MONUSCO, to take more decisive action. In South Kivu the army are reported to have launched an offensive against the group in Uivra, whilst there were civil society reports of FDLR sightings in Ituri, Province Orientale, this week.

Elsewhere in North Kivu, civil society in Walikale has accused the Raïa Mutomboki of collecting illegal taxes, looting, and arbitrarily arresting people traveling on the roads of Bakano. In Province Orientale, Mai-Mai rebels have killed four people and seriously injured over ten others in a town north of Bunia, Ituri, burning over 20 homes and looting property. A demonstration against the eviction of miners from the Okapi wildlife reserve in Badengaido on 19 February has seen contested reports of casualties occasioned by FARDC intervention with authorities citing one injury and others claiming three deaths.

In the Central African Republic, command over the country’s Armed Forces (FACA) is reportedly so weak that many soldiers have taken to hiding in the bush, leaving the field open for Seleka and anti-balaka to terrorise the population. The UNHCR reported on Tuesday that an upsurge in violence in the CAR has forced the displacement of almost 50,000 people since the start of the year. Nineteen central African and international groups have called for the country’s transitional parliament to adopt a draft law establishing a Special Criminal Court.

Justice issues have seen some considerable attention across the region recently. Whilst the East African Court of Justice is now able to handle international crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity, terrorism and war crimes, this week saw the Arusha-based court hear a case filed by a Ugandan applicant against Uganda’s Attorney General, accusing the country’s government of resource plunder. Meanwhile, Uganda’s Financial Intelligence Authority has formally begun preliminary investigations that will dig up details of the 57 people linked to Uganda with secret Swiss HSBC bank accounts.

In Uganda, farmers evicted by oil palm plantations presented a lawsuit against a joint venture co-owned by the oil palm giant Wilmar International, claiming restitution for land they claim was grabbed from them, and fair compensation for damages. Despite fears over the changing role of oil in the country, it was announced this week that a Russian-led consortium – RT Global Resources, a subsidiary of Russian state corporation, Rostec – has been selected to build Uganda’s first oil refinery plant. Meanwhile, Uganda’s energy and minerals minister has said that Congo wants to participate in the development of the proposed crude oil export pipeline on the Ugandan side of the Lake Albert rift basin.

Conflict and Security

Recent news on conflict and security related issues across the Great Lakes Region


MONUSCO weekly press conference

Après 5 ans et demi de fonction au sein de la Mission des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation en République Démocratique du Congo, le Général Abdallah Wafy, vient d’être rappelé par son pays, le Niger, pour le représenter au siège  des Nations Unies à New-York, aux Etats Unis.


A Chameleon army? Coherence, performance, discipline in Congo’s FARDC | 19 February 2015 |

…. FARDC is a Chameleon of an army, and this is meant neither good nor bad, it is a mere observation. Even less does it form a claim that any other military may not also have a Chameleon character – the US army consists of both heroes who engaged without arms alongside civilian helpers after the Haitian earthquake but also guys who brutalised prisoners in Iraq. But perhaps the Congolese army embodies this variability par excellence, for a couple of reasons…

North Kivu

Tracing the deadlock in dismantling FDLR | 20 February 2015 |

On January 2nd, a six-months deadline set by regional political bodies SADC and ICGLR together with the Congolese government and MONUSCO for the self-demobilisation of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) run out. However, it did not trigger substantial results and the long-standing rebel group, whose roots lie in the genocidal militias, continues to dispose over intact chains of command.

Des FDLR accusées des exactions sur les populations civiles | 22 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Les rebelles rwandais des FDLR sont accusés de commettre plusieurs exactions sur les populations civiles dans le Sud de Lubero et dans le groupement Ikobo, en territoire de Walikale.

Traque contre les FDLR. La Belgique invite la RDC à accepter l’aide de la Monusco | 22 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Le vice-premier ministre belge en charge de la Coopération et Développement et son collègue des Affaires étrangères ont exprimé le souhait de Bruxelles de voir Kinshasa admettre de nouveau l’appui la Monusco dans la traque contre les rebelles rwandais des FDLR dans l’Est du pays.

Les Raïa Mutomboki accusés de pillages et d’arrestations arbitraires à Bakano | 23 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

La société civile de Walikale accuse les miliciens Raïa Mutomboki de prélever des taxes illégales, de piller et d’arrêter arbitrairement des habitants qui circulent sur les routes du groupement de Bakano au Nord-Kivu.

African Union urges Congo to let UN forces help assault on rebels | 23 February 2015 | Reuters

The African Union on Monday urged the Congolese government to accept help from U.N. forces to defeat rebels in the country’s east, after a row over human rights derailed plans for joint operations.

Didier Reynders appelle à la poursuite des opérations contre les FDLR | 24 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Le ministre belge des Affaires étrangères, Didier Reynders appelé mardi à la poursuite des opérations contre les groupes armés notamment les FDLR dans l’Est de la RDC, à son arrivée à Goma.

South Kivu

Braquage d’un véhicule transportant les salaires des fonctionnaires | 20 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Des hommes armés en tenue civile ont attaqué jeudi 19 février vers 16 heures locales un véhicule transportant la paie des agents du Centre de recherche en sciences naturelles de Lwiro sur le tronçon menant à ce centre dans le territoire de Kabare (Sud-Kivu). Ils ont emporté environ 137 millions de francs congolais (148 915 dollars américains) destinés à la paie du mois de février et un complément de janvier.

L’armée lance une offensive contre les FDLR à Uvira | 24 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Des tirs à l’arme lourde et à la mitraillette sont entendus ce mardi 24 février depuis tôt le matin dans les villages de Ruvuye et Mulindi surplombant les moyens plateaux de Lemera à Uvira.

Province Orientale

Une attaque des Maï-Maï fait 4 morts à Ezekere | 19 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Des Maï-Maï ont tué quatre personnes et blessé grièvement plus de dix autres, dans la nuit de mardi 17 février, au terme d’une incursion à Ezekere, localité située à plus de 30 km au Nord de Bunia, dans le district de l’Ituri (Province Orientale). Selon la société civile de Djugu, ces assaillants ont également incendié plus de 20 maisons et pillé des biens de la population en tirant à balles réelles dans toutes les directions avant de se retirer dans la brousse.

L’Unadi invite le Gouvernement à négocier avec et la FRPI | 20 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

L’Union des associations culturelles pour le développement de l’Ituri (Unadi) appelle le Gouvernement et la Force de résistance patriotique de l’Ituri (FRPI) à revenir à la table des négociations après l’échec du processus de reddition des miliciens.

«Nous avons les moyens de sécuriser la population», affirme la police | 21 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Le commissaire provincial adjoint de la police nationale congolaise (PNC), en charge des opérations et renseignements en Province Orientale, assure que son commandement dispose des moyens suffisants et efficaces pour sécuriser la population et ses biens.

Bilan controversé après une manifestation d’orpailleurs à Badengaido | 22 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Plusieurs sources affirment que la manifestation organisée jeudi 19 février par des orpailleurs à Badengaido, en Province Orientale, a fait au moins trois morts. De son côté, l’administrateur du territoire parle d’un seul blessé. Les orpailleurs protestaient contre leur déguerpissement de la faune à réserve à Okapi. Ils ont été dispersés par des gardes de parc aidés par des militaires FARDC. Ces derniers sont par ailleurs accusés d’avoir pillé des biens de la population.

Des rebelles FDLR signalés à Mambasa | 23 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

La société civile du territoire de Mambasa, dans le district de l’Ituri (Province Orientale) signale la présence des rebelles des Forces démocratiques pour la libération du Rwanda (FDLR) dans la forêt de Bakaïko.

Des hommes armés attaquent un hôpital à Bunia | 24 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Des hommes armés ont attaqué la maternité du Centre médical évangélique de Bunia dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi 23 février. Des sources sur place indiquent que les assaillants ont blessé une infirmière par balle après avoir emporté des habits des bébés et ravi de l’argent aux malades.


Nouveau bilan des affrontements pygmées-bantous à Sengatchimbu, 7 morts | 20 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Le bilan des affrontements entre pygmées et bantous la semaine dernière à Sengatchimbu a été revu à la hausse. Les premières sources avaient évoqué un bilan de 6 morts. Le conseil de sécurité du territoire de Manono parle à présent de sept morts et douze blessés.


BBC Rwanda Documentary: Replies to Alex Odora-Obote’s letter responding to “Kagame-Power Lobby’s dishonest attack on BBC documentary on Rwanda

Kagame ordered Habyarimana assassination | 16 February 2015 | Pambazuka News

Prosecutors at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) made a political decision to give complete immunity to President Paul Kagame and the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) for their crimes and as a result they have been granted impunity to commit the terrible war crimes in Rwandan and Congo since: because they know they can get away with it.

A quick response to Alex Obote-Odora | 16 February 2015 | Pambazuka News

As former Chief of Appeals and Legal Advisory Division at the ICTR, Obote-Odora surely knows that sworn testimony as well as public assertions of fact exist from members of Kagame-Power circles concerning the events leading to the genocide, including the names of RPF personnel participating with Kagame in planning the shoot-down of the plane carrying President Habyarimana.

There was no genocide conspiracy in Rwanda | 16 February 2015 | Pambazuka News

Four trial chambers and the Appeal Chamber acquitted the entire national political and military leadership of the Habyarimana government of conspiracy to commit genocide, or any other crimes, before April 7, 1994, the day after the assassination of the President.


U.S. to Support Rwanda National Police in Peacekeeping | 24 February 2015 | The New Times | AllAfrica

Rwanda’s tremendous efforts and commitment to peacekeeping is visible and appreciated globally, a US official has said. Ambassador Phillip Carter, the Deputy to the Commander for Civil-Military Engagement (DCME) of United States Africa Command made the remarks yesterday at the Rwanda National Police (RNP) headquarters in Kacyiru during a meeting with the force’s leadership.


Massacres in the mist | 20 February 2015 | Africa Confidential

As June’s presidential election approaches, the political atmosphere is deteriorating and political violence is on the increase.

Cibitoke War Crimes | 20 February 2015 | IWACU | AllAfrica

The arrested rebels were executed by soldiers, policemen and Imbonerakure youth (the ruling party youth wing) during the fighting in Cibitoke Province, in December 2014. IWACU goes to the field.

Central African Republic

La France favorable à la réhabilitation des FACA | 21 February 2015 | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville | AllAfrica

Le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, a appelé ses partenaires européens à fournir des experts militaires en vue de la reconstuction des Forces armées centrafricaines (FACA).

Bientôt le retour des Forces armées centrafricaines | 23 February 2015 | Radio Ndeke Luka

La montée exponentielle des récents évènements en République Centrafricaine (RCA) interpelle par son degré de violences et de haines partagées par la population. Le commandement des Forces armées centrafricaines (FACA) est tombé quasiment dans l’oubliette. Les 8.000 militaires qui composent les FACA se sont dissimulés dans la nature, laissant champ libre à deux groupes armés non conventionnels notamment Séléka et Antibalaka, de contrôler et de sévir sur l’ensemble du territoire national.

Bozizé et Djotodia s’apprêtent à rentrer dans le rang de la transition | 23 February 2015 | Jeune Afrique

Michel Djotodia et François Bozizé s’apprêtent à signer, mercredi ou jeudi, une déclaration commune dans laquelle les deux anciens présidents centrafricains assurent s’inscrire dans le processus lancé à Brazzaville en juillet dernier.

Les dessous de l’accord de Nairobi | 24 February 2015 | AfrikArabia | Courrier International

Un accord est en passe d’être signé entre François Bozizé et Michel Djotodia afin de respecter la fin des hostilités, signée en juillet 2014. Les deux belligérants sont-ils sincères et quelles conséquences sur le terrain ? Explications.

Humanitarian News

Non-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news, including IDP and refugee issues, across the Great Lakes Region


Humanitarian Bulletins and reports

Personnes déplacées internes et retournées (Décembre 2014) | 20 February 2015 | OCHA | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N°06/15 | 24 February 2015 | OCHA | Reliefweb


Repatriation Process of Angolan Former Refugees in DRC Resumes | 23 February 2015 | Angola Press | AllAfrica

The second phase of the voluntary and organized repatriation of the Angolan former refugees in DR Congo was resumed on Thursday in the northern Zaire province, with arrival of the ninth train with 185 people, whose process started on 10 November 2014 at the region.

Central African Republic

Humanitarian Bulletins and reports

Situation Report No. 48 (as of 18 February 2015) | 18 February 2015 | OCHA


Fresh violence displaces almost 50,000 people in Central African Republic | 24 February 2015 | UNHCR

The UN refugee agency on Tuesday reported that an upsurge in violence in the Central African Republic has forced the displacement of almost 50,000 people since the start of the year.

Justice and Tribunals

Selected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region

East African Court of Justice

Court Hears a Case Against the Attorney General of the Republic of Uganda | 17 February 2015 | East African Community | AllAfrica

The East African Court of Justice First Instance Division on 17th February 2015 heard a case filed by a Ugandan citizen Mr. Godfrey Magezi (Applicant) against the Attorney General of the Republic of Uganda (Respondent). The subject of this case is the alleged acts of corruption, abuse of office, misappropriation, illicit enrichment, plunder and wastage of government resources by the Government of Uganda or its officials.

Heads of State Endorse Expanded EACJ Mandate | 21 February 2015 | The New Times | AllAfrica

The East African Court of Justice (EACJ) can now handle crimes of international proportion such as genocide, crimes against humanity, terrorism and war crimes following endorsement by East African Community Heads of State.

Uganda Government Arraigned in Arusha Court | 22 February 2015 | Tanzania Daily News | AllAfrica

The Arusha-based East African Court of Justice’s (EACJ) First Instance Division has heard a case filed by an applicant from Uganda, Mr Godfrey Magezi against the Attorney General (AG) of the Republic of Uganda, the Respondent, accusing the country’s government of resources plunder.


Accusé de complot contre le régime de Kinshasa, Etienne Kabila acquitté en Afrique du Sud | 19 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Etienne Kabila est désormais libre en Afrique du Sud. La Haute Cour de Pretoria qui le poursuivait pour tentative de renversement du pouvoir de Kinshasa, l’a acquitté mercredi 18 février. Ce Congolais qui se réclame de la filiation de l’ancien président congolais Laurent-Désiré Kabila recouvre la liberté après environ deux ans passés en prison.

Beaucoup de dossiers judiciaires sans procès à Rutshuru | 19 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Les juridictions secondaires, civiles et militaires du Nord-Kivu font face à d’énormes difficultés au niveau de leur fonctionnement, notamment en ce qui concerne l’organisation des audiences foraines [hors des palais de justice] dans les territoires. Dans le cas du territoire de Rutshuru, par exemple, une vingtaine de dossiers sont actuellement fixés au tribunal sur une centaine en souffrance à l’auditorat.

Deux magistrats militaires condamnés pour extorsion des biens | 19 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

La cour militaire de la Province Orientale a condamné mercredi 18 février à Kisangani deux magistrats militaires à des peines allant de 4 à 5 ans de servitude pénale principale pour extorsion d’argent et des biens. En outre, ils sont contraints de restituer des biens extorqués auprès de quatre sujets ougandais et au paiement de plus de 100 000 francs congolais (près de 110 dollars américains) des frais d’instance avec arrestation immédiate.

Human Right Watch est intéressé par le sort judiciaire réservé aux leaders présumés de la rébellion M23 | 20 February 2015 | ACP | DigitalCongo

Human Right Watch cherche à connaître le sort judiciaires qui est réservé aux leaders présumés de la rébellion M23 auxquels sont reprochés de lourds dossiers de violations des doits humains.

Affaire Ngudjolo à la CPI : report du prononcé concernant l’appel à son acquittement | 20 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

La Chambre d’appel de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a reprogrammé au vendredi 27 février 2015 à 10h00 le prononcé de son arrêt concernant l’appel à l’encontre de l’acquittement de Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui. L’audience était initialement prévue pour le mardi 24 février 2015. Selon un communiqué publié sur le site de la CPI, il a été reporté pour des raisons organisationnelles inattendues.

Des amnistiés encore en prison | 23 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Une année après la promulgation de la loi d’amnistie, certains bénéficiaires qui ont déjà signé l’acte d’engagement à ne plus prendre des armes pour faire des revendications politiques restent toujours en détention.

Ouverture du procès Vital Kamerhe à la Cour suprême | 23 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

L’audience du procès de l’affaire le Procureur général de la République et Wivine Moleka contre Vital Kamerhe, président de l’Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC) a été ouverte lundi 23 février à la Cour suprême de justice (CSJ). Cette séance n’a duré que quelques instants.

Lubanga case – Appeals Chamber to issue its judgment regarding the reparations for victims on 3 March 2015 | 24 February 2015 | International Criminal Court

On 3 March 2015, at 11h30 (Hague local time), the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) will deliver, in open court, its judgment on the appeals against the Trial Chamber’s “decision establishing the principles and procedures to be applied to reparations” in the case against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo.


Govt Probes Ugandan’s Swiss Bank Accounts | 20 February 2015 | The Observer | AllAfrica

Uganda’s Financial Intelligence Authority has formally begun preliminary investigations that will dig up details of the 57 people linked to Uganda, with secret accounts in HSBC, a Swiss bank.

Central African Republic

Second ICC Trial Looming for Bemba | 18 February 2015 | Bemba Trial Website | AllAfrica

A second trial for Jean Pierre Bemba at the International Criminal Court (ICC) is now imminent after the court’s Presidency named judges to try the Congolese opposition leader and his four associates. Trial Chamber VII was constituted after a pre-trial judge rejected their bid to appeal the confirmation of charges decision.

Les victimes centrafricaines demandent justice | 25 February 2015 | Hirondelle News Agency | AllAfrica

L’Armée de résistance du Seigneur (LRA), un ancien mouvement rebelle ougandais dont l’un des commandants se trouve entre les mains de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) depuis le mois dernier, a signé des crimes d’une extrême gravité non seulement dans son pays d’origine mais aussi en Centrafrique. Dans un communiqué publié le 18 février, l’Association des victimes de la LRA en Centrafrique, une ONG locale bien connue à Bangui, demande ainsi que l’affaire Dominic Ongwen s’étende aux exactions perpétrées sur le territoire centrafricain entre 2008 et 2014.

Special Criminal Court for Central African Republic

Pourquoi la Cour pénale spéciale en Centrafrique mérite votre soutien en 10 arguments | 19 February 2015 | PR Newswire | AllAfrica

La Cour pénale spéciale, un outil efficace pour lutter contre l’impunité et consolider une paix durable en République centrafricaine…

Create Court to Combat Impunity – 19 Groups Support Proposal for Specialized Tribunal | 20 February 2015 | HRW | AllAfrica

The Central African Republic’s transitional parliament should adopt a draft law establishing a Special Criminal Court, 19 Central African and International groups said today. Such a court would speed up justice for victims of atrocities in the country.

Why a Special Criminal Court for the Central African Republic Deserves Your Support | 20 February 2015 | HRW | AllAfrica

The interim parliament for the Central African Republic is about to consider a bill to establish a Special Criminal Court to complement the work of the International Criminal Court in the country and speed up justice for victims of atrocities since the current conflict began three years ago. This is why the bill needs and deserves support from members of the transition parliament.

Natural resource exploitation, governance and trade

Minerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues

UN High-Level Experts Group Meeting on the role of the extractive industries in Africa

High-level event stresses importance of extractive industries to sustainable growth in Africa | 24 February 2015 | United Nations News Centre

The United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) held a meeting at Headquarters in New York today on the role of the extractive industry in Africa.

High-Level Experts Group Meeting on the role of the extractive industries in Africa towards sustainable development and inclusive growth | 24 February 2015 | United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa

The Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) is organizing this High-Level Expert Group Meeting in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the Department of Public Information (DPI). Concept Note: available here.

German business delegation visits Great Lakes Region

German Foreign Minister Seeking ‘Anchors of Stability’ in Africa | 23 February 2015 | Deutsche Welle | AllAfrica

Germany’s Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier is seeking to intensify ties between Germany and Africa. Berlin is particularly interested in countries that foster regional stability. Steinmeier’s four-day trip took him to three countries – the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Kenya – and its purpose is to forge new partnerships for Germany.


Les autorités de la Province orientale en colère | 19 February 2015 | RFI

La colère gronde dans la Province orientale, au nord-est de la RDC, à l’approche des élections. En cause, le non-paiement de la part de la redevance minière qui est censée revenir aux provinces et aux territoires où se déroule l’exploitation. Dans le cas de la Province orientale, il s’agit de mines d’or. Elles ont beau être exploitées, la société civile se plaint de ne pas voir les retombées, notamment en terme de routes, et appelle à l’incivisme fiscal. Les députés provinciaux ont lancé une pétition.

Steinmeier Seeks to Open Doors in DRC | 20 February 2015 | Deutsche Welle | AllAfrica

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier was caught up in the Ukraine crisis on his latest African trip. However, he was keen to not let it distract him from diplomatic efforts in Kinshasa. Steinmeier sees himself opening up doors economically. After the meeting with his DRC counterpart Raymund N’Tungamulongo, Steinmeier summed it up. While both countries had shared interests, they had not exhausted their potential for development. “A lot remains to be done,” he said.

Une ONG allemande a réhabilité la piste de l’aéroport de Goma | 20 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

L’ONG internationale Agro action allemande (AAA) a réhabilité 80% de la piste de l’aéroport de Goma. Les travaux estimés à 17 millions de dollars américains ont été financés sur fonds du gouvernement allemand et ont duré trois ans.

Les sociétés minières appelées à publier les études sur les impacts environnementaux | 20 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

La Plate-forme des organisations de la société civile intervenant dans le secteur minier (Pom) a réuni jeudi 19 février les différents opérateurs du secteur en vue d’amener les entreprises minières à publier les études sur les impacts environnementaux à la suite des activités minières. La plupart d’entreprises minières pensent que ces études sont confidentielles.

Des expatriés en séjour irrégulier dans des zones minières transférés à Kinshasa | 21 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Une trentaine d’expatriés arrêtés pour séjour irrégulier dans des zones minières du district de l’Ituri (Province Orientale) ont été acheminés à Kisangani en début de semaine, puis transférés vendredi 20 février à Kinshasa. Ces personnes travaillent pour le compte d’entreprises minières. Elles sont notamment accusées de fraude minière, d’exploitation illégale des substances minérales et de pollution de l’environnement.

La population accuse une entreprise minière de polluer 2 rivières à Likasi | 23 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Les habitants du quartier Kakontwe accusent l’entreprise minière choinoise Kaipen Mining de polluer la rivière Mura et la source Kyantete dans la ville de Likasi.

DRC Traders Vow to Continue Using Dar Port | 23 February 2015 | Tanzania Daily News | All Africa

New management at Dar es Salaam port should speed up improvement of infrastructure to ease cargo clearance and beat the rival Angolan port of Cabinda which is luring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) private sector. Speaking in Dar es Salaam at the weekend, DRC Businessmen Association President, Mr Mukendi Kabobu, said over the past two years tremendous achievements have been made at the country’s prime port but more needs to be done.

L’entreprise minière KCC accusée de pollution à Tshamundenda | 24 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

La société civile de Kolwezi accuse l’entreprise minière Kamoto Copper Company d’avoir déversé dimanche 22 février plus de 60 mètres cubes d’acide sulfurique dans la cité de Tshamundenda (Katanga).

Gertler waiting for a firm rail accord | 24 February 2015 | Africa Mining Intelligence

Now that Congo-K and Angola have penned a series of trans-border transportation accords involving air, land and sea – the deal was signed in Kinshasa on Jan. 19 – Dan Gertler’s group is waiting for the Congolese authorities to renovate the rail link between the Kisenge manganese mine in Katanga and the Angolan border.


Rwanda Readies for Regional Oil Talks | 21 February 2015 | East African Business Week | AllAfrica

Investors seeking for the latest developments in the East African oil and gas sector cannot afford to miss the 7th East African Petroleum Conference and Exhibition (EAPCE’15). Between March 4 and 6 at the Kigali Serena Hotel in Rwanda, business people will rub shoulders with senior government officials and talk shop in a sector currently beset by some uncertainity.

What’s Holding Back Rwanda Exports to East Africa? | 22 February 2015 | The New Times | AllAfrica

Although Rwandan exports to fellow East African Community member states increased by 7 per cent to $131.56m last year, from $122.94 million in 2013, the country spent $546.80 million on imports from the region during the same period.

German business delegation

German Companies Keen to Explore Rwanda Business Opportunities | 21 February 2015 | Rwanda Focus | AllAfrica

A German business delegation of 21 entrepreneurs from various sectors ended its two-day visit to Rwanda with a positive impression of the country’s business opportunities.

Rwanda Investments Attractive – German Minister | 22 February 2015 | The New Times | AllAfrica

Rwanda’s investments in infrastructure, information technology as well as being a member of the East African Community make the country attractive to foreign investors, a top German diplomat has said.

German Investors Eye Energy Sector | 23 February 2015 | The New Times | AllAfrica

German investors have affirmed their willingness to invest in the country’s energy sector. The investors were part of the German business delegation that was in the country, last week, to explore investment opportunities in mining, energy, infrastructure, construction, agro processing and ICT, among others.

Rwanda, German Private Sector Bodies Strengthen Ties | 24 February 2015 | The New Times | AllAfrica

Trade between Rwanda and Germany could be strengthened further following the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two countries over the weekend.


Isimba Hydro Plant to Start Power Generation in 2016 | 20 February 2015 | The Observer | AllAfrica

Power generation at the 183MW Isimba hydro power plant in Kayunga and Kamuli districts will start in 2016, with 16 per cent of the work currently completed. The contractor, China International Water and Electric Corporation (CWE), recently presented a status report to stakeholders on the project so far and noted that the work progress was on schedule as planned.

UAE Investors Consider Uganda Opportunities | 21 February 2015 | East African Business Week | AllAfrica

Investors from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have expressed interest to invest in Uganda’s tourism and trade sectors.

Uganda Border At Malaba Revamped | 22 February 2015 | East African Business Week | AllAfrica

Construction works for the revamped Malaba One-Stop-Border-Post are complete and the Ush15 billion facility has been handed over to the users led by Uganda Revenue Authority. The project was funded by the World Bank, TradeMark East Africa and the government under the East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Project.

Uganda Wants More Chinese Investment | 22 February 2015 | East African Business Week | AllAfrica

The government recently expressed appreciation for Chinese support in helping develop infrastructure in the country and asked for more.

Entebbe Airport Project | 22 February 2015 | The Independent | AllAfrica

$400 million project set to start this June but source of funding not yet confirmed.

Oil Sector

Govt Should Reform Oil Sector Policy | 20 February 2015 | The Observer | AllAfrica

As Uganda celebrates its accomplishments within the oil and gas sector, many people are left wondering if the oil industry will lead to positive externalities or unintended consequences.

Russians Win Uganda Refinery Deal | 21 February 2015 | East African Business Week | AllAfrica

A Russian-led consortium has been selected to build Uganda’s first oil refinery plant in preparation for commercial drilling of crude. RT Global Resources, a subsidiary of Russian state corporation- Rostec, won through the procurement process.

Uganda Offers Oil Blocks, Ending Nine-Year Licensing Freeze | 24 February 2015 | Frontiers | The Wall Street Journal

Uganda has launched an oil-exploration licensing round for six blocks in its Lake Albertine Rift basin, ending a nine-year freeze on new licensing in its fast-growing energy sector.

Congo Eyes Stake in Uganda’s Crude Export Pipeline | 25 February 2015 | The Wall Street Journal |

Congo wants to participate in the development of the proposed crude oil export pipeline on the Ugandan side of the Lake Albert rift basin, Uganda’s energy and minerals minister said Wednesday, as the project continues to entice more upcoming oil producers in the region.

Oil Sector – Tullow

Tullow Cuts Costs to Remain Competitive | 21 February 2015 | The Observer | AllAfrica

Last week, Tullow Oil plc, one of the oil exploration companies in Uganda, released its 2014 financial results, where the company said the fall in oil prices had eaten into its revenue base. As a result, the company also announced a series of austerity measures to remain competitive.

Tullow Trouble for Uganda | 22 February 2015 | The Independent | AllAfrica

Since news surfaced that it was being hit hard by the downturn in the global oil markets, the mood at Tullow Oil Uganda’s offices at Plot 15 Yusuf Lule Road in Kampala has been sombre apprehension. With no major works projects planned for the 2015 financial year, Tullow Uganda is effectively in hibernation.

Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Ask Govt to Issue Tullow, Total Licences | 22 February 2015 | The Observer | AllAfrica

The Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum, an association of private players involved in the extractives industry, wants government to expedite the insurance of production licenses to two oil companies – a process, it says, “will result into increased business opportunities in the country.”

Regulation, Voluntary Initiatives and Business and Human Rights

Selected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance

94 Companies & 41 Governments Publicly Disclose Actions on Business & Human Rights | 25 February 2015 | Business & Human Rights Resource | CSR Newswire

New interactive platforms launched today reveal how companies and governments are addressing human rights impacts of business, finding that while there are many inspirational examples of action, much more needs to be done. Access to Government Action Platform and Company Action Platform.


Ugandan oil palm project taken to court over land-grab claims | 19 February 2015 | Friends of the Earth Europe

Farmers in Uganda evicted by oil palm plantations are today presenting a lawsuit against a joint venture co-owned by the oil palm giant Wilmar International. They are claiming restitution for their grabbed land and fair compensation for damages, three years after their land was taken for plantation development.

Rights of local communities in the oil region should be respected | 22 February 2015 | The New Vision

U.S based oil waste management firm, McAlester Energy Resources limited, ceased its operations from Uganda. This comes after the company has been involved in a land deal that left over 200 families homeless, in Rwamutonga village, Bugambe sub county, Hoima District since August last year.


Senators Urge Government to Protect Rights of Miners | 21 February 2015 | The New Times | AllAfrica

The government should move swiftly to organise miners and ensure that those working part-time or without contracts become full-time employees with rights and obligations, senators have said. The lawmakers delivered the message to Evode Imena, the minister of state for mining, who was appearing before the Senate, on Thursday, to give updates on what government is doing to develop the mining sector.

New Investment Code to Be Operational By March | 24 February 2015 | The New Times | AllAfrica

The draft law on investment promotions and facilitation should be approved and gazetted by the end of March, MP Connie Bwiza, the chairperson of the parliamentary Committee on Economy and Trade, has said.



Sexual Violence

L’armée bientôt dotée d’un logiciel pour documenter les violences sexuelles | 20 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

L’auditorat général de l’armée congolaise a présenté vendredi 20 février à Kinshasa un logiciel qu’il utilisera bientôt pour documenter les violences sexuelles.

Une ONG encadre 110 enfants victimes de violences sexuelles à Katana | 22 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

L’Association des groupes d’alphabétiques pour le développement de Katana (Agadeka) a lancé dimanche 22 février à Katana/centre dans le territoire de Kabare (Sud-Kivu) les activités d’encadrement de 110 enfants de la rue victimes de violences sexuelles et autres traumatisés de guerres.


La Monusco va mobiliser les fonds pour les élections en RDC | 22 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Processus électoral 2015-2016 en RDC, la Monusco va contribuer à la mobilisation des fonds. Son porte-parole l’a annoncé mercredi dernier à Kinshasa.

DRC Opposition Calls on President to Avoid Third Term | 23 February 2015 | VOA

Two opposition officials of the Democratic Republic of Congo are calling on President Joseph Kabila to step down at the end of his term next year, saying the constitution bars him from seeking a third term.


«Il est important de protéger l’exercice de la liberté d’expression», affirme l’ambassadeur de l’UE | 21 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

A l’occasion de l’inauguration des nouveaux bâtiments du Palais de la justice à Kinshasa, l’ambassadeur de l’Union européenne en RDC, Jean-Michel Dumond, a plaidé pour la protection de l’exercice de la liberté d’expression et le respect des droits de l’opposition.

Plus de 130 détenus de la prison centrale souffrent de la tuberculose | 22 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Les autorités gouvernementales visitent la prison où sévit la tuberculose | 24 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Plus de cent trente détenus de la prison centrale de Mbuji-Mayi (Kasaï-Orientale) souffrent de la tuberculose. Ces chiffres avancés samedi 21 février par le ministère de la Santé constituent près de vingt cas de plus qu’au début de ce mois.

Nouvelle organisation administrative et territoriale en RDC | 23 February 2015 | Radio Okapi

Le vice-Premier ministre et ministre de l’Intérieur a annoncé, dans une circulaire datée du 4 février 2015, la suppression des entités administratives déconcentrées telles que la direction des provinces, le district, la cité et le poste d’encadrement administratif. Cette note qui s’adresse aux gouverneurs des provinces porte sur la nouvelle organisation administrative et territoriale en RDC.

Moïse Katumbi – « J’ai un mandat à terminer avant de penser à autre chose » | 24 February 2015 | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville | AllAfrica

Moïse Katumbi, gouverneur du Katanga: “J’ai un mandat à terminer” | 20 February 2015 | La Libre Belgique

Dans une récente interview accordée à la Libre Belgique, le gouverneur du Katanga a laissé entendre que sa province ne bénéficie rien en retour en termes de rétrocession alors qu’elle contribue annuellement jusqu’à hauteur de 5 milliards de dollars au budget de l’État.

De Croo – des discussions “ouvertes, franches et libres” avec les responsables congolais | 24 February 2015 | Le Vif

Le ministre belge de la Coopération au développement, Alexander De Croo… réagissait ainsi à des propos tenus par le porte-parole du gouvernement congolais, Lambert Mende Olamanga, qui a très mal pris les critiques portées samedi par M. De Croo contre les mesures prises par le régime du président Joseph Kabila à la suite de violences le mois dernier contre une révision de la loi électorale.


Third term for Kagame: A rare debate | 19 February 2015 | Pambazuka News

For several months now, there has been a quiet but determined push to extend President Paul Kagame’s rule in Rwanda. Kagame himself has not categorically stated his position on the matter, but hints about his wish to remain in power have been widely reported.

Land and Gender-Based Violence: Experiences from Rwanda and Liberia | 25 February 2015 | Focus on Land in Africa | AllAfrica

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a profound problem in many countries of sub-Saharan Africa: in Rwanda, 35 percent of women have reported experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional violence from a spouse or partner; in Liberia, 49 percent of women experienced violence from an intimate partner. Yet, GBV is a global problem affecting women from all countries, races, ethnicities, and religions.


Ugandan Activists Fight Homophobia With New Magazine | 19 February 2015 | Deutsche Welle | AllAfrica

Sexual minorities in Uganda face hate and predujice at every turn. Though homosexuality is already outlawed, the government is planning even tougher legislation. LGBTI activists refuse to be cowed.