This week has seen an explosion of violence in North Kivu occasioning the influx of an estimated 66,000 Congolese refugees into Uganda and a resultant humanitarian crisis that aid agencies are struggling to manage.
Earlier in the week Ugandan ADF-Nalu rebels, together with what has been identified as Somalian Al-Shabaab fighters, occupied the town of Kamange for 24 hours on Thursday to Friday, being later ousted by FARDC troops, who report finding the corpses of 9 civilian victims of killings perpetrated by the militias. By Sunday morning the ADF is said to have attacked MONUSCO forces and taken control of Kikingi, only to be dislodged by the FARDC after a one hour firefight. Areas under the control of these militia report killings and abductions, prompting mass displacement. The presence Al-Shabaab has been confirmed in a UN report and it is rumoured that these fighters are being recruited by both the ADF and the M23.
Heavy fighting also resumed between the M23 and FARDC forces in Mutaho on Sunday, after the M23 reinforced its positions in this locality close to Goma with heavy artillery. MONUSC was subsequently reported to be on high alert for an attack on the provincial capital itself, though the rebels were reportedly dislodged from the city’s northern suburbs the Congolese army. The M23 is said to retain control of Kibumba and Buhumba. By Monday, the Congolese government issued a statement claiming to have killed 120 rebels and lost 10 of its own troops. The M23 have claimed that the Kampala talks have once again stalled and commentators highlight the significance of the talks to determining the extent to which violence in the east escalates.
Whilst in North Kivu, clashes with the ADF-Nalu, Al-Shabaab, M23 and Mai-Mai Shetani have been reported, in Province Orientale the Raia Mutomboki and Kifuafua Mai-Mai are aid to be occupying localities in Walikale. Meanwhile, MONUSCO has reject claims by the Rwandan state that it and the Congolese army have been collaborating with the FDLR and engaged in the bombing of two villages in Rwanda’s Rubavu district.
Despite continuing reports of abuses against civilians by all armed groups in the Central African Republic, President Djotodia claims to have restored security to the country.
Arms Trade and Security in the Great Lakes Region
Recent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region.
Security Analysis
Conflict trends (no. 16): Real-time analysis of African political violence, July 2013 | 11 July 2013 | Armed Conflict Location and Events Dataset | Reliefweb
ACLED data on conflict patterns and dynamics in Africa from the preceding month are presented and analysed in comparative and historical perspective. Realtime conflict event data is collected and published through research partners at Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) where it is updated monthly.
Rwanda: Good Neighbours? Rwanda’s Strategies to Defend Its Interests in Congo | 12 July 2013 | African Arguments | allAfrica
Central Africa has been shaped by complex regional dynamics, through which local cleavages and national conflicts have spilled over national borders. Each country in the region has a complex internal situation and a violent recent history where local contradictions have become polarized and entangled with those of neighbouring countries.
Women in the Great Lakes Peace Process
UN Great Lakes envoy convenes Burundi conference on women’s engagement in peace process | 11 July 2013 | UN News Centre
Aiming to help develop a road map for women’s engagement in efforts to bring peace to Africa’s long-trouble Great Lakes countries, the United Nations envoy for the region has gathered nearly 100 women, including ministers, for a three-day meeting in Burundi to underscore the fact that “women’s leadership matters.”
Lord’s Resistance Army
RealClearWorld Op-ed: How to Crumble Kony’s Rebel Group From Within | 15 July 2013 | Enough Project
Recent escapees from the Lord’s Resistance Army led by Joseph Kony, are testifying that the group is having difficulty preventing defections and maintaining discipline.
alleges MONUSCO and DRC engaged in FDLR support and bombing
Rwanda Protests ‘provocative Bombing’ From DR Congo | 16 July 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica
Kigali accuse Kinshasa d’avoir délibérément bombardé 2 villages rwandais | 16 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Le gouvernement de Kigali a accusé l’armée congolaise et les forces de la Mission des Nations unies pour la stabilisation en RDC (Monusco) d’avoir délibérément bombardé lundi 15 juillet les villages rwandais de Kageshi et Gasiza, à environ 8 et 12 Km au nord de Rubavu. ENG: Two bombs landed in Rwanda’s western district of Rubavu from a Congolese area controlled by the FARDC and MONUSCO, the Rwandan government has said. “Two bombs landed at Kageshi and Gasiza Cells, Busasamana Sector, Rubavu District, Western Rwanda at 3.05pm,” said Brig. Gen. Joseph Nzabamwita.
RDC: la Monusco dément avoir bombardé 2 villages rwandais | 17 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: La MONUSCO a rejeté en bloc ce mercredi 17 juillet les accusations de Kigali, selon lesquelles les FARDC et la Monusco ont délibérément bombardé lundi les villages rwandais de Kageshi et Gasiza. Le représentant spécial adjoint du secrétaire général de l’Onu en charge de l’état de droit en RDC a également qualifié de «sans fondement » les accusations portées toujours par Kigali selon lesquelles les FARDC et la brigade d’intervention de la Monusco collaboreraient avec les rebelles rwandais des FDLR. ENG: MONUSCO has wholly rejected accusations by Kigali that FARDC and MONUSCO deliberately bombed the Rwandan villages of Kageshi and Gasiza on Monday. It has also described as ” baseless” allegations maintained by Kigali that the FARDC and MONUSCO’s intervention brigade have been collaborating with Rwandan FDLR rebels.
Le Rwanda accuse l’ONU de collusion avec les FDLR, un front s’ouvre à nouveau au nord de la RDC | 16 July 2013 | RFI | allAfrica
Rwanda – UN Brigade Aiding FDLR, Congo | 17 July 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica
FR: Regain de tensions dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo ces derniers jours. Avec des combats non loin de Goma, le chef lieu du Nord-Kivu, entre les rebelles du M23 et les Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC). D’autres plus au nord, dans le territoire de Beni, entre l’armée congolaise et les ADF-Nalu, des rebelles ougandais. Et ce alors que la force d’intervention rapide de l’ONU est en cours de déploiement. ENG: The Rwandan Government has accused the newly-deployed Intervention Brigade under MONUSCO of backing collaboration between DR Congo-based Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda militia (FDLR) and the Congolese army. The accusations are reportedly contained in a letter that Rwanda’s Ambassador to the UN Eugene-Richard Gasana wrote to the US’s Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo in her role as this month’s president of the UN Security Council.
United Nations Says Intervention Brigade to Fight Rwandan Rebels | 17 July 2013 | Bloomberg
The new UN intervention brigade in the Democratic Republic of Congo will fight all illegal armed groups in the eastern region, including Rwandan rebels with links to that country’s 1994 genocide, the UN said. The M23 have accused the UN and the Congolese army of working with rebels from the Democratic Forces of the Liberation of Rwanda, or FDLR, which opposes the government in neighbouring Rwanda.
Clashes with ADF-Nalu in North Kivu
DRC-based Ugandan rebel group “recruiting, training” | 11 July 2013 | IRIN | Reliefweb
The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a Ugandan rebel movement based in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is recruiting, training and reorganizing to carry out fresh attacks on Uganda, officials say. “The threat is real. ADF is recruiting, training and opening new camps in eastern DRC. We are alert and very prepared to deal with any attack on our side of the border,” said Lt Col Paddy Ankunda, spokesman for the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF).
RDC: les rebelles ADF Nalu occupent la localité de Kamango | 11 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Les rebelles ougandais de l’ADF Nalu occupent la localité de Kamango située à environ 80 kilomètres au Nord-est de la ville de Beni depuis le jeudi 10 juillet dans la soirée. ENG: Ugandan ADF-Nalu rebels have occupied Kamango located approximately 80 kilometres north-east of the town of Beni since Thursday evening.
Nord-Kivu: des rebelles ADF-Nalu se retirent de Kamango après une brève occupation | 11 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
RDCongo: combats dans l’est entre l’armée et un groupe rebelle ougandais | 12 July 2013 | Agence France-Presse | Reliefweb
FR: Des violents affrontements ont opposé les rebelles ougandais de l’ADF-Nalu aux Foces armées de la RDC (FARDC) jeudi 11 juillet matin dans la localité de Kamango située à près de 80 km de la ville de Beni au Nord-Kivu. ENG: Violent clashes between Ugandan ADF-Nalu rebels and FARDC took place on Thursday morning, July 11, in the town of Kamango located about 80 km from the town of Beni in North Kivu. Local sources say the rebels took control of Kamango after having ousted the military.
Nord-Kivu: les FARDC reprennent la localité de Kamango | 12 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
RDC: l’armée contrôle Kamango | 13 July 2013 | BBC News
FR: Les Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) ont repris, ce vendredi 12 juillet soir, le contrôle de la localité de Kamango, à 80 km au nord-est de Beni (Nord-Kivu), en délogeant les rebelles ougandais de l’ADF-Nalu qui l’occupaient depuis 24 heures. ENG: FARDC resumed control of the town of Kamango this Friday, July 12, dislodging the Ugandan ADF- Nalu rebels and their allies identified as Al Shabaab terrorists, who had occupied the town for 24 hours.
Uganda Army Won’t Pursue ADF in Congo Yet | 12 July 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica
The Uganda People’s Defense Forces will not cross the border into Congo to pursue the ADF unless the Congo Government has given them permission, Army Spokesperson Lt. Col. Paddy Ankunda revealed Friday. The ADF-Nalu has attacked parts of eastern Congo leading to an influx of refugees into the western district of Bundibugyo in Uganda.
Nord-Kivu : l’armée decouvre 9 corps de civils exécutés par les rebelles à Kamango | 13 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: L’armée rapporte avoir découvert samedi 13 juillet neuf corps de civils exécutés par les rebelles ougandais des ADF/NALU à Kamango.ENG: FARDC have reported having discovered nine civilian bodies executed by the Ugandan ADF-Nalu in Kamango.
Nord-Kivu: la localité de Kikingi sous contrôle des rebelles ougandais de l’ADF Nalu | 13 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Les rebelles ougandais de l’ADF-Nalu contrôlent, depuis ce dimanche 14 juillet, la localité de Kikingi, située dans le groupement secteur de Rwenzori à plus ou moins 90 km au Nord-Est de la ville de Beni. Selon la société civile de Beni, les rebelles ougandais et leurs alliés somaliens d’Al Shabaab commettent déjà des actes des pillages et des exécutions des civiles dans cette localité. ENG: Ugandan ADF-Nalu rebels have taken control of the town of Kikingi, located in the area of Rwenzori group more or less 90 km north-east of the town of Beni since Sunday. According to civil society in Beni, Ugandan rebels and their Somali Al Shabaab allies are already committing acts of looting and killings civilians in the town.
Beni : les rebelles de l’ADF/Nalu attaquent des casques bleus sur l’axe Mbau-Kamango | 14 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Les rebelles ougandais de l’ADF/Nalu ont attaqué dimanche 14 juillet dans l’avant-midi des casques bleus de la Mission des Nations unies en RDC en patrouille au point Kilométrique onze sur l’axe Mbau-Kamango, à Beni (Nord-Kivu), ont indiqué des sources de la Monusco dans la ville. ENG: The ADF-Nalu attacked MONUSCO peacekeepers on patrol on the Mbau to Kamango axis in Beni on Sunday, July 14.
Nord-Kivu : environ 7 000 personnes ont fui Kikingi occupé par l’ADF/Nalu | 14 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Environ sept mille personnes ont déserté, dimanche 14 juillet, la localité de Kikingi, située à près de 90 kilomètres au Nord Est de la ville de Beni. Selon le président de la société civile locale, Teddy Kataliko, ces populations fuient des exactions des rebelles ougandais de l’ADF/Nalu pour trouver refuge dans les villages de Luanoli et Kikura en chefferie de Watalinga. ENG: About seven thousand people have deserted, Sunday, July 14, the town of Kikingi, located about 90 kilometres northeast of the town of Beni. According to the president of the local civil society, Teddy Kataliko these populations are fleeing abuses by the ADF-Nalu.
Nord-Kivu: les ADF Nalu ont tué 10 personnes à Kikingi et Kamango en une semaine | 15 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Les rebelles ougandais de l’ADF Nalu ont tué 10 civils et enlevé quatre autres dans les localités de Kamango et Kikingi, à environ 90 km de la ville de Beni (Nord-Kivu) en une semaine. ENG: ADF-Nalu rebels have killed 10 civilians and abducted four others in a week in the communities of Kamango and Kikingi, about 90 km from the town of Beni.
MONUSCO repels ADF ambush on its troops | 15 July 2013 | MONUSCO | Reliefweb
Following reports of human rights abuses by ADF against civilians in Kamango district near Beni in North Kivu, a UN patrol comprising of Nepalese and Jordanian troops was sent to assess the security situation in the area and address concerns related to the protection of civilians. This patrol was ambushed on its way to Kamango, where it came under heavy fire from ADF elements. While MONUSCO troops successfully repelled the assault, two UN vehicles were damaged.
Nord-Kivu : Les FARDC annoncent la reprise de Kikingi des mains de l’ADF/Nalu | 16 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: L’armée loyaliste annonce avoir repris le contrôle de la localité de Kikingi située à 90 km de la ville de Beni lundi 15 juillet matin. Cette localité est tombée entre les mains des rebelles ougandais de l’ADF/Nalu dimanche. ENG: FARDC has announced that it regained control of the town of Kikingi located 90 km from the town of Beni on Monday morning. This town had fallen into the hands of the ADF-Nalu on Sunday. Kikingi was reportedly taken after an hour long firefight in which two rebels were killed.
Presence of Somalia Al-Shabaab fighters in North Kivu
RDC : le M23 recrute des shebabs dans le nord-Kivu | 10 July 2013 | Afrik.com
RDC : les shebabs et rebelles font fuir 30.000 personnes vers l’Ouganda | 13 July 2013 | Afrik.com
Eastern DRC has been rife with attacks by Somali Islamist Al-Shabaab rebels and Ugandan ADF-Nalu for several weeks. After taking control of the city of Komanga in Beni territory, they were dislodged by the FARDC on Friday night following violent clashes which led to 30,000 people fleeing into Uganda. Somali Islamist Al-Shabaab rebels are said to have kidnapped 9 people in North Kivu on Thursday and civil society organizations have sounded the alarm to report their presence in key areas of North Kivu. The Somali rebels are said to have been recruited by the M23 for their mastery of fighting in the big cities such as Mogadishu.
Internationalisation? Des shabbabs au Nord Kivu? | 11 July 2013 | | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman
Article stating that repeated attacks on FARC and MONUSCO explain the warning uttered by the governor of North Kivu, Julien Paluku, who had denounced the presence of the terrorist group Al-Shabaab alongside Ugandan rebels and assured that the coalition was preparing an attack against the town of Beni. The involvement of Islamist fighters was confirmed in the latest report of UN experts on the situation in eastern Congo. The M23 have also been said to be recruiting these fighters.
RDC : échanges de tirs à l’arme lourde entre rebelles shebabs et l’armée, ce dimanche | 14 July 2013 | Afrik.com
FR: Les armes ont encore parlé ce dimanche, en République démocratique du Congo. C’est le résultat d’un échange de tirs à l’arme lourde entre les rebelles shebabs et l’armée régulière. Aucun bilan officiel, mais nos sources font état de plusieurs morts. ENG: An exchange of fire with heavy weapons is reported to have taken place between Al-Shabaab rebels and FARDC on Sunday with reports of several deaths, though no official figures.
Nord-Kivu : « les belligérants doivent épargner les civils de tout risque de protection » | 15 July 2013 | OCHA| Reliefweb
FR: Le Coordonnateur de l’action humanitaire en République Démocratique du Congo, M. Moustapha Soumaré, s’est dit ce lundi 15 juillet très préoccupé par la dégradation de la situation sécuritaire ces derniers jours au Nord-Kivu suite à la reprise des affrontements entre l’armée nationale et les groupes armés, notamment à Mutaho, à la périphérie de la ville de Goma et à Kamango, dans le Territoire de Beni.ENG: The Coordinator of Humanitarian Action in the DRC, Mr. Moustapha Soumare, has expressed concern about the deteriorating security situation in recent days in North Kivu following renewed clashes between national army and armed groups, particularly around Mutaho, on the outskirts of the city of Goma and Kamango in Beni Territory.
Resumption of hostilities between the M23 and FARDC in North Kivu
Nord-Kivu: le M23 attaque les positions des FARDC à Mutaho | 14 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Les rebelles du M23 ont attaqué, dimanche 14 juillet, les positions des Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) à Mutaho, à une dizaine de kilomètres de la ville de Goma, ont indiqué des sources militaires de la région sans fournir le bilan. ENG: M23 rebels attacked the positions of the FARDC in Mutaho, about ten kilometers from the city of Goma, on Sunday, July 14, said military sources in the region.
DRC Says 120 Rebels Killed in East | 14 July 2013 | Voice of America
DRC Forces Repel Latest M23 Rebel Attack | 15 July 2013 | Voice of America
RDC: 120 rebelles du M23 et plus de 10 militaires tués à Mutaho, selon Lambert Mende | 15 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
The DRC says its forces have killed 120 rebels and captured another dozen in fighting in North Kivu province. Government spokesman Lambert Mende said Monday that about 10 army soldiers have died in the fighting north of Goma, the provincial capital.
Monusco Expresses Deep Concern Over M-23 Attack and Warns Against Any Action That Will Threaten Goma | 14 July 2013 | MONUSCO | allAfrica
RDC: la Monusco “profondément préoccupée” par l’attaque du M23 à Mutaho | 15 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
UN Warns Congolese Rebels Against Advancing on Eastern Town | 15 July 2013 | Bloomberg
Fighting Resumes Between M23 Rebels and Congo’s Army | 15 July 2013 | Enough Project
La MONUSCO se dit profondément préoccupée par l’attaque du M23 et ne tolèrera aucune menace sur Goma | 16 July 2013 | MONUSCO | Reliefweb
FR: Des combats ont éclaté cet après-midi à Mutaho, localité située à 8 km au Nord-ouest de Goma lorsqu’une position des Forces armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) a été attaquée par le M23. Cette attaque est survenue après que le M23 ait renforcé ses positions aux alentours de Kibati, près de Mutaho dans la matinée avec des armes lourdes et un tank. La MONUSCO se dit préoccupée par ce développement et lance un appel à la retenue afin d’éviter une escalade de la situation. ENG: Fighting broke out this afternoon in Mutaho, a town 8 km north-west of Goma when FARDC was attacked by the M23. The attack came after the M23 had strengthened its positions around Kibati near Mutaho in the morning with heavy weapons and tanks. MONUSCO has expressed its deep concern about this development and calls for restraint to avoid escalation of the situation.
RDC: Poursuite des combats près de Goma | 15 July 2013 | BBC News
FR: Les affrontements se rapprochent de la capitale provinciale suite à la reprise des hostilités entre les rebelles du M-23 et les forces gouvernementales. ENG: Clashes occurred closer to the provincial capital after the resumption of hostilities between the M-23 rebels and government forces.
RDC : les FARDC affirment avoir le contrôle de la situation à Mutaho | 15 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: « Nul besoin de paniquer, la situation sur la ligne de front est entièrement sous contrôle des FARDC », a affirmé lundi 15 juillet le porte-parole de l’armée au Nord-Kivu concernant la localité de Mutaho, située à une dizaine de kilomètres au Nord-Est de Goma, où les affrontements survenus la veille en fin d’après-midi entre l’armée loyaliste et le M23 se sont poursuivis ce matin. ENG: “No need to panic, the situation on the front line is completely under control of the FARDC,” said a FARDC spokesman in Mutaho on Monday, where clashes the previous afternoon had continued into the morning.
DR Congo: UN blue helmets on ‘high alert’ as M23 rebels advance towards Goma | 15 July 2013 | UN News Centre
MONUSCO are on high alert and stand ready to use force to protect civilians in Goma from an advancing rebellion by the M23, the top UN official in the country said, urging all parties to exercise restraint.
RDC: 3ème jour de combats | 16 July 2013 | BBC News
FR: Les combats se sont poursuivis mardi dans l’est de la RDC, au nord de Goma, pour le 3ème jour consécutif, entre l’armée congolaise et les rebelles du M23. ENG: The fighting continued Tuesday in the eastern DRC, north of Goma, for the third consecutive day, between the Congolese army and rebels M23.
L’étau se desserre autour de Goma | 16 July 2013 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman
Collette Braeckman reports that the M23 have been dislodged from several positions in the northern suburbs of Goma, that Kibati have been retaken and that the M23 is about to be expelled from Kibumba. There are reports of fighting close to the Rwandan border.
Un témoignage en provenance du Nord Kivu… | 17 July 2013 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman
MONUSCO is accused of having blocked a road preventing the FARDC tanks with ammunition from reaching the front line in clashes with the M23.
Reprise des affrontements entre les FARDC et le M23 à la périphérie de Goma – Update No. 1 du 15 juillet 2013 | 14 July 2013 | OCHA | Reliefweb
Reprise des affrontements entre les FARDC et le M23 à la périphérie de Goma – Update No.2 du 16 juillet 2013 | 16 July 2013 | OCHA | Reliefweb
FR: Les affrontements entre l’armée congolaise (FARDC) et les miliciens du groupe armé M-23 qui ont commencé dimanche 14 juillet se poursuivent ce mardi 16 juillet. Selon des sources militaires, les combats s’étendraient sur toute la zone périphérique de Goma, notamment vers Munigi et Kibati. ENG: The clashes between the FARDC and the M23, which began Sunday, July 14, will continue on Tuesday, July 16. According to military sources, the fighting is spreading over the entire area around Goma, and in particular to Munigi Kibati.
Kampala talks
From Mutaho to Kampala – What’s next?| 15 July 2013 | Congo Siasa
Article outlining the latest proposal to be put on the table at the Kampala talks and the stance of the DRC and M23 delegations to the proposals as well as its implications for the escalation of conflict in the east.
A Goma, rebelles et gouvernementaux jouent le tout pour le tout | 16 July 2013 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman
Article stating that the failure of the Kampala talks means that both the M23 and the FARDC appear to be in a battle for all or nothing.
DRC Peace Talks Stall, Rebels Say | 16 July 2013 | Voice of America
Peace talks in Kampala, Uganda, between the DRC government and the M23 rebels have stalled again, according to the rebels, who report government team leaders have left the talks. The meetings began in December and broke down in March before the two sides restarted talks earlier this week. On Monday, there was some optimism that an agreement might be close, but on Friday the rebel delegation said there’s been little progress and that key DRC negotiators have left.
Stalled Kampala Talks Linked to Congo Clashes | 16 July 2013 | Deutsche Welle | allAfrica
The Congolese army is battling two militias in eastern DRC, the M23 rebel group, comprising mostly ethnic Tutsi militia, and the ADF, a Ugandan Muslim armed force. The UN has a new intervention force. The DRC has said on Monday (15.07.2013) it had killed 120 fighters belonging to the M23 rebel movement to the north of Goma. The insurgents deny these claims. 66,000 Congolese refugees have crossed Uganda fleeing another battle zone in which the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) was attacking Kamangu. The UN has deployed a new 3,000-strong Intervention brigade with a tough mandate to fight armed groups in eastern Congo. Interview with Thierry Vircouloun, Project Director for Central Africa with the International Crisis Group.
Province Orientale
Bunia: transfert à Kinshasa de deux officiers ougandais arrêtés par les miliciens de la FRPI | 12 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Deux officiers ougandais, arrêtés le mois de juin dernier en Ituri (Province Orientale) par la milice de la Force de résistance patriotique de l’Ituri (FRPI) de Cobra Matata, ont été transférés ce vendredi 12 juillet à Kinshasa. ENG: Two Ugandan officers, arrested last June in Ituri by the FRPI of Cobra Matata, were transferred to Kinshasa on Friday. Their escort was provided by the National Intelligence Agency (ANR).
North Kivu
Nord-Kivu : deux secteurs de Walikale occupés par des miliciens Maï-Maï | 11 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Les groupes de miliciens Maï-Maï Raïa Mutomboki et Maï-Maï Kifuafua occupent les secteurs de Bakano et de Wanyanga, en territoire de Walikale (Nord-Kivu), a indiqué mercredi 10 juillet le Bureau d’études pour le développement de ce territoire (Bedewa). Le secrétaire général du Bedewa estime que le gouvernement a abandonné ces secteurs à la merci de ces miliciens. ENG: The Raïa Mutomboki and Kifuafua Mai Mai are currently occupying the sectors of Bakano and Wanyanga in Walikale territory (North Kivu), the Board of Studies for the development of this area (Bedewa) has said. The Secretary General of Bedewa believes that the government has abandoned these sectors thanks to these militia. MONUSCO has announced serious action against these armed groups.
Monusco : « Tout civil portant une arme sera assimilé à un combattant » | 11 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: «Tout civil portant une arme, où qu’il se trouve, sera assimilé à un combattant», a averti vendredi 12 juillet le nouveau commandant des forces de la Mission des Nations unies en RDC (Monusco), le général Carlos Dos Santos Cruz. Il réagissait ainsi à des accusations selon lesquelles les forces de la Monusco auraient tiré sur des civils deux jours plus tôt. ENG: “Any civilian carrying a weapon will be treated as a fighter,” warned new MONUSCO commander, General Carlos Dos Santos Cruz, in Kanyaruchinya, about ten kilometres north of Goma. He was responding to allegations that MONUSCO forces reportedly fired on civilians two days earlier.
Nord-Kivu: les Mai-Mai fidèles à Soki continuent à percevoir des taxes illégales, après sa mort | 13 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: La milice « Mai-Mai/Soki » ou « FDLRs congolais-Soki » continue à percevoir des taxes illégales à une barrière illégale à Katwiguru, sur la route Kiwanja-Nyamilima, alors que leur chef Cyprien Sangano alias Soki, a été assassiné dans la nuit de mardi 9 à mercredi 10 juillet.ENG: The “Mai-Mai/Soki” or “Congolese FDLR-Soki” continues to collect illegal taxes at an illegal barrier Katwiguru on the Kiwanja-Nyamilima road, despite the fact that their leader, Cyprien Sangano, alias Soki, was murdered on Tuesday night.
Nord-Kivu: des ménages se réfugient à l’hôpital, après combats entre FARDC et Maï-Maï à Nyamilima | 14 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Des centaines de ménages ont envahi, dimanche 14 juillet, l’Hôpital général de référence de Nyamilima, à 40 km de Kiwanja (Nord-Kivu), par crainte de nouveaux combats entre Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) et Maï-Maï Shetani. ENG: Hundreds of households have inundated the Nyamilima General Referral Hospital, 40 km from Kiwanja, on Sunday for fear of renewed fighting between the FARDC and the Mai-Mai Shetani.
RDC : les shebabs attaquent 2 véhicules et 1 blindé de l’Onu | 15 July 2013 | Afrik.com
FR: Les rebelles du M23 et l’armée congolaise continuent de s’affronter dans la région de Mutaho, dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo. Les combats entre les éternels ennemis ont repris dimanche vers 3h00 du matin. Les rebelles ougandais accompagnés des shebabs ont attaqué dimanche la mission de l’Onu en RDC (Monusco). ENG: The M23 and the Congolese army continue to compete in the Mutaho region in eastern DRC with the resumption of fighting on Sunday at 3:00 am, as Ugandan ADF/NALU rebels accompanied by Somali Islamist Al-Shabaab militiamen attacked MONUSCO on Sunday.
Combats dans l’Est de la RDCongo, 130 morts en 24 heures selon Kinshasa | 15 July 2013 | Agence France-Presse | Reliefweb
RDC : 130 morts dans les combats entre le M23 et l’armée | 15 July 2013 | Afrik.com
Les combats s’intensifient entre l’armée et les rebelles près de Goma | 15 July 2013 | RFI | allAfrica
Congo: Army Shells Rebels | 15 July 2013 | The New York Times
DR Congo says 130 dead in clashes between army, rebels | 16 July 2013 | Agence France-Presse | Reliefweb
DR Congo troops battle M23 rebels in deadly clashes | 16 July 2013 | Agence France-Presse | Reliefweb
FR: Les combat en cours dans l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo, les plus violents depuis neuf mois, ont fait 130 morts en 24 heures, a affirmé lundi le gouvernement, assurant que 120 rebelles et 10 soldats avaient été tués. ENG: The current battle in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the most violent in nine months has killed 130 people in 24 hours, the government said Monday, confirming that 120 rebels and 10 soldiers were killed.
Nord-Kivu: les FARDC contrôlent totalement Kibati et Buvira, selon les chefs locaux | 16 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Les Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) ont repris lundi 15 juillet dans la soirée le contrôle de l’entièreté des groupements de Kibati et Buvira, indiquent les autorités coutumières du territoire de Nyiragongo. Ce qui porte à cinq le nombre de groupements qu’elles contrôlent sur les sept que compte le territoire de Nyiragongo à l’exception de Kibumba et Buhumba qui demeurent sous occupation du M23. ENG: FARDC resumed control of Kibati and Buvira on Monday evening according to the customary authorities of the territory of Nyiragongo. This brings the number of groups under FARDC control to five of the seven that make up the territory of Nyiragongo (excluding Kibumba and Buhumba which remain under M23 occupation).
South Kivu
Sud-Kivu: la police récupère 20 armes à feu après un bouclage à Bukavu | 15 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: La police nationale a récupéré vingt armes à feu au terme d’une opération de bouclage qu’elle a organisée, il ya deux semaines, dans la ville de Bukavu. ENG: The National Police recovered twenty firearms after a cordon organized two weeks ago in the city of Bukavu.
Sud-Kivu : 3 combattants capturés après un échange de tirs entre Maï-Maï et FARDC | 15 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Trois miliciens Maï-Maï Fudjo ont été capturés par l’armée après un échange de tirs entre les deux groupes, dimanche 14 juillet à Uvira, dans le Sud-Kivu. ENG: Three Fudjo Mai-Mai fighters were captured by the FARDC after an exchange of fire between the two on Sunday in Uvira.
RDC : la crise oubliée du Katanga | 12 July 2013 | BBC News
FR: Depuis plus d’un an, des groupes armés sèment la terreur au Katanga, dans le sud-est de la RDC, mais le gouvernement se garde de reconnaître la présence d’une rébellion dans la riche province minière. ENG: For over a year, armed groups terrorizing Katanga, in the south-east of the DRC, but the government is careful to recognize the presence of a rebellion in the mineral-rich province.
Uganda Army Won’t Pursue ADF in Congo Yet | 12 July 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica
The Uganda People’s Defense Forces will not cross the border into Congo to pursue the ADF unless the Congo Government has given them permission, Army Spokesperson Lt. Col. Paddy Ankunda revealed Friday. The ADF have attacked parts of eastern Congo leading to an influx of refugees in the western district of Bundibugyo in Uganda.
Yoweri Museveni versus Elly Tumwine | 12 July 2013 | African Intelligence
An increasing number of members of military High Command fear that President Yoweri Museveni really wants to push his son onto the political scene.
EU Boosts Aid to ‘Deteriorating’ CAR | 11 July 2013 | Voice of America The European Union is increasing aid to the Central African Republic, where it says conditions are “rapidly deteriorating.” The EU Commission said Thursday that it will boost aid to the CAR by $6.1 million to support life-saving activities such as providing water and shelter and the distribution of food.
Central African Republic: UN relief chief warns ‘entire population’ affected by crisis | 11 July 2013 | UN News Centre
Warning that the political crisis gripping the Central African Republic has affected its entire population, United Nations humanitarian chief Valerie Amos and her European Union counterpart today urged the authorities in the strife-torn country to urgently re-establish the rule of law so that assistance and access can continue unimpeded.
Pourquoi la crise en Centrafrique n’intéresse-t-elle personne? | 16 July 2013 | Youphil | Reliefweb
FR: La crise humanitaire en République centrafricaine est chronique, mais depuis la chute du président François Bozizé en mars 2013, la situation s’est davantage aggravée. Explication. ENG: The humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic is chronic, but since the fall of President François Bozizé in March 2013, the situation was further aggravated.
CAR President Says ‘Security Has Returned’ | 16 July 2013 | Voice of America
The Central African Republic’s (CAR) rebel leader-turned-interim president, Michel Djotodia, said late Monday that “security has returned’ to much of the CAR despite continued reports of disappearances, theft and other alleged abuses against civilians by rebels and other armed groups.
Refugee and IDP Reports
Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on the status of refugees in the Great Lakes Region
National Humanitarian Bulletins
Des milliers de déplacés en RDC | 12 July 2013 | BBC News
Thousands flee DR Congo flee after Uganda’s ADF raid | 13 July 2013 | BBC News
Congo refugees pour into Uganda after attack | 13 July 2013 | Al Jazeera
FR: Des combats ont opposé des rebelles ougandais à l’armée congolaise, à Kamango, dans la province du Nord-Kivu dans l’est de la RDC, contraignant près de 20.000 personnes à se réfugier en Ouganda, selon la Croix rouge ougandaise. ENG: More than 30,000 people have fled DR Congo after a group of Ugandan rebels attacked a border town, says the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR. The Allied Democratic Forces raided the town of Kamango on Thursday, according to the Ugandan army spokesman. The Congolese national army has now retaken Kamango.
Congolese displacement from North Kivu violence
Thousands flee DR Congo violence | 13 July 2013 | BBC News
65, 473 Congolese refugees cross into Uganda, to be moved to transit camp | 14 July 2013 | Ugandan Red Cross | Reliefweb
Rebels Drive More Than 60,000 From Congo to Uganda | 14 July 2013 | The New York Times
Amid rapid influx of Congolese refugees, UN rushes emergency aid to Uganda | 15 July 2013 | UN News Centre
Nord-Kivu : Plus de 66 000 déplacées suite à l’attaque de Kamango par un groupe armé – Update No 1 du 16 juillet 2013 | 16 July 2013 | OCHA | Reliefweb
New emergency arises as fighting uproots thousands from eastern DR Congo – UN | 16 July 2013 | UN News Centre
New Violence Forces Tens of Thousands to Flee North Kivu | 16 July 2013 | Voice of America
Congolese influx to Uganda reaches 60,000 | 16 July 2013 | Al Jazeera
FR: Depuis le 11 juillet, la localité de Kamango située au nord-est de la ville de Beni est au centre des combats entre l’armée congolaise (FARDC) et le groupe armé ADF/NALU. D’importants mouvements de personnes y ont été rapportés, notamment vers l’Ouganda et à l’intérieur de la zone affectée. ENG: Since July 11, the town of Kamango located northeast of the city of Beni has been at the center of fighting between the FARDC and the armed group ADF-Nalu. Large movements of people have been reported, particularly to Uganda and within the affected area.
UNHCR fears for welfare of Congolese refugees in Uganda hills; worried about fighting near Goma | 16 July 2013 | UNHCR | Reliefweb
With a new emergency under way in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UNHCR and its partners have been rushing to help the tens of thousands of refugees who have fled the violence into western Uganda’s Bundibugyo district. The refugees, who began arriving last Thursday, are spread out along the hilly border area, where conditions are tough and getting help to them is difficult.
Congolese refugees
L’Ouganda mal préparé à l’afflux de réfugiés congolais | 16 July 2013 | IRIN | Reliefweb
Uganda unprepared for influx of DRC refugees | 15 July 2013 | IRIN | Reliefweb
FR: Environ 66 000 Congolais se sont réfugiés en Ouganda ces derniers jours, à la suite d’affrontements entre le mouvement rebelle ougandais Alliance des forces démocratiques (ADF) et les Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC). Confrontés à des difficultés de financement, le gouvernement ougandais et les organisations d’aide humanitaire peinent à répondre aux besoins des réfugiés. ENG: Some 66,000 Congolese refugees have crossed into Uganda in recent days, following fighting between Ugandan rebel group Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) and the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) national army (FARDC). Their arrival has left the Ugandan government and humanitarian agencies struggling to meet the refugees’ needs amid funding challenges.
Congo refugees pour into Uganda after attack by Islamist rebels | 15 July 2013 | The Guardian
The Red Cross and military are said to be struggling to cope with flood of people fleeing assault by Allied Democratic Forces in eastern DRC.
Burundian refugees in Uganda
Uganda, Burundi to Hold Meetings Over Refugees | 15 July 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica
The governments of Uganda and Burundi and the UNHCR are to hold technical meetings that will add inertia to earlier efforts to facilitate the voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees in the country.
Rwandan refugees in Uganda
Uganda Wants 4,114 Rwandan Refugees to Return Home Voluntarily | 15 July 2013 | Bloomberg
Conditions from which Rwandan refugees fled in 1959, 1994 and 1998 no longer exist in their country, said Hillary Onek, Uganda’s minister in charge of refugees, in Kampala. 665 refugees have already been repatriated in last 17 months. Uganda is home to 15,000 Rwandan refugees.
Rwandan refugees abroad
No consensus on implementation of cessation clause for Rwandan refugees | 12 July 2013 | IRIN | Reliefweb
The future of tens of thousands of Rwandan refugees living in Africa remains uncertain nearly two weeks after the 30 June deadline recommended by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) for the discontinuation of their refugee status. So far only four countries in Africa – Malawi, the Republic of Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe – have followed UNHCR’s recommendation to invoke the cessation clause, a fact that, according to Nkunda, “speaks volumes” about how different African countries view this group’s need for protection.
Uganda Wants 4,114 Rwandan Refugees to Return Home Voluntarily | 15 July 2013 | Bloomberg
Conditions from which Rwandan refugees fled in 1959, 1994 and 1998 no longer exist in their country, said Hillary Onek, Uganda’s minister in charge of refugees, in Kampala. 665 refugees have already been repatriated in last 17 months. Uganda is home to 15,000 Rwandan refugees.
National Humanitarian Bulletins
UNHCR Burundi Bulletin 3 Avril – Juin 2013 | 12 July 2013 | UNHCR | Reliefweb
Burundian refugees in Uganda
Uganda, Burundi to Hold Meetings Over Refugees | 15 July 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica
The governments of Uganda and Burundi and the UNHCR are to hold technical meetings that will add inertia to earlier efforts to facilitate the voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees in the country.
National Humanitarian Bulletins
l’UE renforce son aide humanitaire | 11 July 2013 | European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department | Reliefweb
Justice and Tribunals
Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on major trials and tribunals for crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region
Katanga : 5 à 20 ans de prison pour des militaires accusés de meurtres de 14 Maï-Maï | 16 July 2013 | Radio Okapi
FR: Quatre militaires des Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) ont été condamnés lundi 16 juillet à de lourdes peines d’emprisonnement pour le meurtre de 14 présumés combattants Maï-Maï. Un lieutenant a écopé de 5 ans de prison tandis qu’un capitaine et deux caporaux ont été condamnés à 20 ans de prison ferme. ENG: Four FARDC soldiers were sentenced to lengthy prison sentences on Monday for the murder of 14 suspected Mai-Mai rebels. A lieutenant was sentenced to five years in prison, while a captain and two corporals were sentenced to 20 years in prison. The mining company Mining Mineral Resource (MMR), which had provided the FARDC with a truck that was later used to transport victims and perpetrators to the crime scene, was exonerated by the court.
Rwanda woman jailed in US for lying about genocide role | 16 July 2013 | BBC News
A woman who lied about her role in Rwanda’s genocide to gain refugee status in the US has been sentenced to 10 years in jail.
Arrestation en France d’un ex-responsable militaire rwandais accusé de génocide | 14 July 2013 | Hirondelle News Agency
FR: Un ancien haut responsable militaire rwandais recherché par la justice de son pays pour sa participation présumée au génocide des Tutsis de 1994, le colonel Laurent Serubuga, a été arrêté dans le Nord de la France, selon la presse française. ENG: A former senior Rwandan military officer wanted by the Rwandan Justice system for his alleged role in the 1994 genocide of the Tutsis, Colonel Laurent Serubuga, was arrested in northern France, according to the French press.
Natural Resources in the Great Lakes Region
Recent news on issues relating to natural resource extraction and governance in the Great Lakes Region.
DRC/Angola joint interest zone
Kinshasa gets nowhere on JIZ | 12 July 2013 | Africa Energy Intelligence
A consulting firm run by a former executive of SNAM (ENI group) plays a key role in negotiations on the joint interest zone (JIZ) between Kinshasa and Luanda.
African Mega Dams
The World Bank is bringing back big, bad dams | 16 July 2013 | The Guardian
A renewed focus on mega-dams will make matters worse in Africa and benefit companies, not people. The big, bad dams of past decades are back in style.
Congo Seeks to Lure Investors for $5.7 Billion Farming Plan | 12 July 2013 | Bloomberg
Democratic Republic of Congo will modify a law that restricts foreign ownership of agriculture projects as it seeks to raise financing for a proposed $5.7 billion expansion plan, the Agriculture Ministry said.
Ariel mining logistics
Air chartering company expands services across Africa | 12 July 2013 | Mining Weekly
Global aircraft charter specialist Chapman Freeborn has, as of June 20, added new air freighter routes to assist the expanding African mining industry. “The new service will run every Thursday from OR Tambo International Airport, in Johannesburg, stopping over at Lubumbashi International Airport, in the south-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and N’Djili International Airport, in the DRC’s capital city of Kinshasa, using a DC8-73F passenger commercial jet airliner,” Chapman Freeborn Africa operations manager Heinz Lange tells Mining Weekly.
Extractive Companies, Energy, Trade and Foreign Investment
Recent news on national and international extractive and energy companies and investment in the Great Lakes Region
Anglo CEO Set to Cough Up for Fine Wine After Gold Wager | 11 July 2013 | Bloomberg
The DRC’s Kibali mine will help raise Randgold’s annual production to more than 1.2 million ounces by 2014 from about 800,000 in 2012, according to Bristow’s Johannesburg presentation. The mine will produce at least 30,000 ounces this year, 550,000 in 2014 and average about 600,000 ounces in its first eight years.
Ivanplats Slide on Africa Belies Value Seen by Analysts | 12 July 2013 | Bloomberg
Ivanplats Ltd. is the worst performer among its global peers this year. Analysts say its stock should be almost three times higher. Ivanplats’ Kamoa copper project in Congo may produce at least 143,000 metric tons (315 million pounds) of copper annually in its first 10 years of operations, according to a May 15 statement by the company. It’s the world’s biggest undeveloped high-grade copper discovery. The company owns 95 percent of the project and Congo holds the balance. Ivanplats has offered to sell another 15 percent to the government, according to the company’s website. It also said in April it was in “detailed discussions” with major international mining industry “participants” for financing and developing the project and associated infrastructure. Ivanplats also is studying developing Kipushi, a base-metals mine.
Copper miner on track to exceed production target in DRC | 12 July 2013 | Mining Weekly
Copper miner Tiger Resources has increased its production guidance for Stage 1 of its heavy-media separation (HMS) plant at the Kipoi copper project, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
What’s to become of Perenco’s gas? | 16 July 2013 | Africa Energy Intelligence
The Franco-British oil company has set out to assess the gas reserves of its onshore concessions in coming months. The question is whether to liquefy it or increase power production.
Kazakhmys Calls Aug. 2 Shareholder Vote on ENRC Founders’ Offer | 12 July 2013 | Bloomberg
Kazakhmys Plc set Aug. 2 as the date for shareholders to vote on the sale of its 26 percent stake in Eurasian Natural Resources Corp. to ENRC’s three founding shareholders and the Kazakh government. The U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office said in April that is had begun an investigation into alleged fraud and bribery at London-based ENRC operations, including in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Leaders Welcome Kilembe Mines Privatisation | 11 July 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica
Kasese district leaders have welcomed the hand over of Kilembe copper mines to Chinese investors, saying the move will help revamp the mines. Godfrey Kabyanga, the municipality mayor said people will get work at the mines that have been lying idle for over 40 years.
Oil & gas
Oil and Gas HR Asked to Be Accountable | 12 July 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica
Human resource professionals in oil and gas organizations were yesterday taken through a coaching session to enable them develop all round skills in handling the complex work environment in the nascent industry. Guest speaker Emma Bishop, services manager from Petrofac, an oil and gas facilities provider with an 18,000 global workforce challenged HR practitioners to be accountable and lead by example by not abdicating their roles.
Mixed Feelings Reign in Newest Oil Frontier | 11 July 2013 | The Observer | allAfrica
Anaka is a small, little-known town in the recently created Nwoya district. Though small, for the last one year it has been bustling with activity. “We are receiving many visitors here these days,” says Stephen Oyat, a boda boda cyclist. Anaka, in spite of its size and population, is a town council, and it hosts Nwoya district local government.
Oil, Gas Discoveries Boost FDIS to Dar, Kampala | 16 July 2013 | Tanzania Daily News | allAfrica
Buoyed by oil and gas discoveries, Tanzania and Uganda have recorded an increase in foreign direct investments (FDIs) for 2012 against the global trend that saw investment inflows declining. The just launched World Investments Report for 2013 shows that the two neighbouring countries were the favourite of foreign investors in the region, attracting the most FDIs particularly in oil, gas and mining sectors.
Uganda Needs Tech Skills, Not Oil Courses | 11 July 2013 | The Observer | allAfrica
Former Agago MP Prof Morris Latigo has urged the government and oil companies in the country to boost the teaching of technical skills by establishing more technical schools and support for institutions offering these skills: “Emphasis should be put on technical training, not direct oil courses because people will want to construct houses, infrastructure and there will be industries that will want to establish here because of oil”.
Oil Refinery Contract Attracts MPs’ Scrutiny | 11 July 2013 | The Observer | allAfrica
Members of the Parliamentary Forum on Oil and Gas have questioned the wisdom of awarding the contract to resettle people affected by the proposed oil refinery in Hoima to Strategic Friends International, the same firm that carried out the first phase of the Resettlement Action Plan.
Japan Grants Uganda U.S. $12 Million for Electricity | 11 July 2013 | East African Business Week | allAfrica
The Japanese government has signed a $12m grant agreement with Uganda to extend electricity to the rural areas. The grant was signed in Entebbe by Uganda’s finance minister, Maria Kiwanuka and the Japanese ambassador to Uganda, Kazuo Minagawa to fund projects under the Rural Electrification Project Phase 3.
Karuma Villagers Want Dam Halted | 11 July 2013 | The Observer | allAfrica
After winning the contract for the construction of Karuma hydropower project, Chinese firm Sinohydro promised to start work within two weeks. However, this might not be possible, following fresh wrangles that threaten to delay the project. Besides compensation wrangles, a rival Chinese company, China International Water and Electric Corporation (CWE), has gone to court to challenge the award of the contract to Synohydro.
Regulation, Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on legal and reputational issues relating to businesses operating in the Great Lakes Region
SEC disclosure rules vacation
Court Vacates SEC Rule On Disclosure Of Government Payments By Resource Extraction Issuers While Similar EU Requirement Is Finalized | 16 July 2013 | EITI
On July 2, 2013, a US court vacated the new SEC rule requiring resource extraction issuers to file annual reports with information about government payments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas or minerals.
Cobalt export taxes
DRC to Raise Cobalt Concentrate Export Tax to $100 per MT | 11 July 2013 | Cobalt Investing News
Copper/cobalt export ban
DRC Pushes Copper, Cobalt Export Ban Back to 2014 | 11 July 2013 | Cobalt Investing News
Congo Delays Copper, Cobalt Concentrate Export Ban | 11 July 2013 | Bloomberg
DRC delays copper concentrate export ban until year-end | 12 July 2013 | Mineweb
After announcing in April that it would be banning the export of copper and cobalt concentrate in July or August, the DRC has now revealed it will be delaying the ban until next year. Originally, the ban was supposed to start this month to encourage miners to refine the red metal within its borders.
DRC’s national dialogue
What will become of the national dialogue? | 11 July | Congo Siasa
While international attention continues to focus on the M23––there have been persistent skirmishes to the north of Goma, a meeting between the government and the M23 in Kampala, and the death of the head of FDLR-Soki––the political opposition has been meeting in Kinshasa to decide on the way forward.