Mieke Thierens

Mieke is a researcher at IPIS. She has predominantly worked on the grassroots socio-economic, human rights and environmental impacts of corporate activities and resource governance, including large-scale diamond and gold mining in Tanzania and Lesotho and oil pipeline infrastructure projects in Tanzania, Niger and Benin. Central to her work are communities’ experiences and perspectives on corporate accountability, human rights, environment and access to justice. Prior to working at IPIS, Mieke worked as a (post-)doctoral researcher on earth science topics such as ancient ice sheets and climate dynamics, and palaeo-climate/environmental records captured in deep-sea sediments. She has also gained experience as a project administrator for the Development Education Service of the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD). Mieke has a PhD in Geology (National University Ireland, Cork) and a Master in Political and Social Science (Conflict and Development studies, Ghent University).