Fiona Southward is a non-practicing solicitor and graduate of law from the universities of Glasgow (LLB) and Essex (LLM). Prior to completing her masters in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Fiona trained and worked as an asylum solicitor in Glasgow, Scotland, working predominantly with women and children from the Great Lakes Region. Fiona’s research background includes work on the applicability of international humanitarian and criminal law to natural resource exploitation during armed conflict, and the implications of resource scarcity for human rights protection and realization. Fiona presented a paper addressing the extent to which pillage could be used to found legal liability for corporate complicity in the plunder of mineral resources in the DRC at the University of Essex’s Transitional Justice and Corporate Complicity Conference 2010.
Fiona has worked for years with IPIS as a researcher and will continue to engage with IPIS as an associate researcher from the UK.