Le plan STAREC du gouvernement congolais: une analyse préliminaire
August 8, 2009Début juillet le gouvernement congolais a établi un plan de stabilisation pour l’Est de la RDC. L’initiative est restée sans écho dans les médias et le plan même n’a pas été rendu public. Néanmoins, après quelques recherches, IPIS à pu obtenir le document. Nous avons jugé que, dans le cadre des efforts congolais et internationaux pour résoudre la crise dans l’Est, il serait utile de résumer les po
Africa’s natural resources in a global context
August 6, 2009While, on the one hand, it is widely acknowledged that Africa has great natural resource potential, on the other hand, one cannot but regret that the complex interplay between political and economic factors at the national and international level appears to make it impossible to use a more substantial part of the revenues from the exploitation and trade of these resources for the promotion of the
Culprits or scapegoats? Revisiting the role of Belgian mineral traders in eastern DRC
May 17, 2009Ever since the eruption of the second Congo war in August 1998, the mining sector in eastern DRC has been under scrutiny of UN Sanctions Committees, academics, NGOs, and local and international media, who have been worried and disturbed by the links between natural resource exploitation and armed conflict in the region. It has been argued that both state and non-state armed actors are deriving ben
L’Afrique révise les contrats miniers
July 23, 2008Download in pdf or open with issuu reader. http://issuu.com/ipisresearch/docs/l_afrique_r__vise_les_contrats_mini
Heeft Congo iets aan zijn mijnen?
June 24, 2008IPIS-MO. Congo beschikt over rijke reserves van erg gegeerde mineralen. Maar ondanks een florerende internationale markt plukt het land daar nauwelijks de vruchten van. Sinds het voorjaar van 2007 werkt Congo op verscheidene fronten tegelijk om die situatie te keren. Het onderhandelt met China over een ruil van Congolese grondstoffen voor Chinese investeringen in het (spoor-)wegennet. Verder overw
Democratic Republic of the Congo, mining contracts – state of affairs. The Congo wants to raise the profits of its mining sector.
April 24, 2008IPIS, Antwerp March 25, 2008, On Thursday 20 March the Congolese government published the final report of the Interministerial Commission for the Revisitation of Mining Contracts (the “Revisitation Commission”). The publication had been announced two days earlier in a press release from the Ministry of Mines. With the publication, a first phase is completed. The next stage should be that the gover
Risky Business. The Lundin Group’s involvement in the Tenke Fungurume Mining project in the Democratic Republic of Congo
February 28, 2008A SwedWatch/Diakonia/IPIS report. After a decade of war and political turmoil, the tide seems to be turning for the DR Congo. The country is now engaged in reconstructing a society that was destroyed by decades of dictatorship and a global power play. Activities are taking off in the mining sector as well. The DR Congo belongs to the category of resource rich countries, with a number of important
World Bank and DRCongo, Mining Session, Paris November 30, 2007
December 28, 2007On November 29 and 30, 2007, a Consultative Group Meeting on the Democratic Republic of Congo took place at the World Bank’s offices in Paris. Download in pdf or open with issuu reader. http://issuu.com/ipisresearch/docs/world_bank_and_drc
Congo blijft onder buitenlandse druk
October 28, 2007Dat president Kabila zijn bezoek aan Brussel inkortte, had één verifieerbare reden: Kabila verbleef vier dagen in Noord-Kivu waar in augustus opnieuw zware gevechten uitbraken tussen het regeringsleger en de rebellerende ex-generaal Laurent Nkunda. Maar Nkunda is niet Kabila’s enige kopzorg, hij ondervindt van meerdere kanten druk. Congolese waarnemers zien daarin de hand van het Westen. Download