
Monitoring human rights in Uganda via a CBHRIA methodology and mobile data collection tools

To empower community members to act upon their rights in the context of Uganda’s extractive industries, ASF and ANARDE aimed to use a community-based approach for assessing corporate human rights impacts. The objective of the project is to collect accurate and comprehensive data to monitor the enjoyment of human rights by rights-holders in two regions with active operations by extractive industries (Bunyoro and Karamoja sub-regions) and to identify cases in which rights are not (fully) respected.

As a consultant, IPIS developed a monitoring system and digital tools for the observation and reporting of human rights violations. In order to collect field data and facilitate accurate reporting of the human rights situation in the target areas, IPIS and ASF developed monitoring tools based on ODK Collect – an app for mobile data collection using digital questionnaires – and KoBo Toolbox (online server). The documentation collected in the field aims to serve as basis for incident follow-up, awareness raising and advocacy.

IPIS also provided ASF with a training material on the Community-Based Human Rights Impact Assessment (CBHRIA) methodology and conducted capacity building sessions. In February 2021, IPIS delivered a two-day training of trainers, which aimed to prepare ASF and ANARDE staff, brought together in Kampala, to train the Human Rights field monitors with the training programme and material prepared by IPIS.

Project Coordinator

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