Shifting frontlines: Visualizing the evolution of the M23’s territorial influence in early 2024
In early 2024, IPIS, ASSODIP, and DIIS published a report on the stakes and motivations of the “March 23 Movement” (M23), a rebellion causing serious insecurity and humanitarian suffering in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The movement took up arms again in 2021, and it rapidly seized vast territories in the south-east of North Kivu province in 2022, with military support from the Rwandan army. The IPIS-ASSODIP report included several maps, displaying the areas influenced by M23 up to 2023 […]
Mining and conflict in the eastern DRC: An interactive story map
Conflict-financing, armed interference, and sources of insecurity beyond the ‘conflict minerals’ paradigm In this story map, IPIS presents its findings on the linkage between mining
Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (2023 update)
Since 2009, IPIS has mapped and collected data at more than 2,800 Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of the