Viktor Bout documents released under Mandatory Declassification Review by the Clinton Library
September 26, 2022In 2015 IPIS vzw asked for a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) of selected documents in relation to Viktor Bout, produced by the Clinton administration between 1999 and 2001, and held in the Clinton Library. MDR “is a means by which any individual or entity can request any Federal agency to review classified information for declassification, regardless of its age or origin, subject to certai

The Kimberley Process and the UN: Lessons Learned
February 14, 2008The United Nations, mainly through the UNSC and the UNGA, has played an important role in the genesis and development of the KPCS, an international control regime aimed at preventing conflict diamonds to enter into the legitimate trade. The earliest forerunner of the KPCS stems from an embargo imposed by the UNSC in June 1998 on unofficial diamonds from Angola. UNSC Resolution 1173 prohibited all

Have African-based Diamond Monopolies Been Effective?
June 16, 2001Allegations of links between certain monopoly members and illicit activity will be assessed, with several cases highlighted to provide a more complete picture of the dynamics within the monopolies. Above all, this article seeks objectivity in attempting to separate fact from fiction, and in citing the possible sources, and reasons behind, numerous rumours in circulation – and how these rumours may

Illegale trafiek van wapens naar conflicten: De grote meren en Angola (123)
June 17, 1999Dit dossier bundelt een aantal voorlopige resultaten van een langlopend onderzoek naar de mechanismen van de illegale wapenhandel. Een meer uitgebreide en gedetailleerde studie verschijnt in het najaar en is het resultaat van een onderzoeksproject waarvoor I.P.I.S. samenwerkte met de organisaties NISAT (Noorwegen) en BASIC (Groot-Brittanië en de VS). Met het project willen deze organisaties de pro