Roadblock rebels: IPIS maps important mechanism of conflict funding in Central Africa
December 6, 2017IPIS puts roadblocks on the map as key mechanism of conflict funding besides natural resources, revealing its devastating scope in funding armed actors in Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic Mapping over a thousand roadblocks, two IPIS reports released today have uncovered the shocking extent of armed predation on trade routes in conflict-ridden Central Africa. Roadbloc
Het conflict in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek in kaart gebracht.
December 1, 2016IPIS organiseert op dinsdag 20 december een filmvoorstelling en panelgesprek over het aanhoudende conflict in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek. De Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek (CAR) was de voorbije jaren het toneel van een bloedig conflict, een staatsgreep en voortdurend geweld. Het onderzoekscentrum IPIS analyseerde de motieven van de partijen bij het conflict, de conflictdynamiek, de roadblocks
Infographic – Mapping conflict motives in the CAR
January 28, 2015Infographic – Mapping mining areas in eastern DRC
January 28, 2015IPIS Launches our Business and Human Rights Learning Programme in Tanzania
October 29, 2014IPIS always endeavours to conduct research in collaboration with local partners. For example, our four paper series on the role of the United Nation’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Right (UNGPs) in Uganda’s oil sector has been a collaborative effort between IPIS and ActionAid Uganda. Recently, IPIS’ funders – the Belgian Development Cooperation – decided to fund a pilot learning