Ground-based incident reporting in Eastern DRC – Progress Report 1

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In January 2018, IPIS and its partner CEGEMI (a Bukavu-based research institute) launched a two-year project founded by EPRM to advance incident reporting and community participation in responsible sourcing through cooperative and CSO capacity enhancement in Eastern DR Congo gold sector.

“First field visit to identify potential cooperative to be part of project activities.”

Copyright: Gabriel KAMUNDALA BYEMBA, CEGEMI-2018

This project will support 6 cooperatives present in Kalehe, Misela and Luntukulu (South Kivu) mining areas. CEGEMI will train them to reinforce their capacities in due diligence standards, good governance, financial management, access to credit and conflict resolution mechanisms.

“Artisanal miners from nearby mining sites of Nyawaronga, Kalehe, following a training on cooperative administration and management.”

Copyright: Gabriel KAMUNDALA BYEMBA, CEGEMI-2018

As part of this project, IPIS conducted a stakeholder engagement to inform the design of a methodology for the implementation of an independent, transparent and participatory incident reporting and monitoring platform. The platform will be accessible to local civil society organisations, cooperatives and communities willing to report incidents related to gold exploitation. Once reported on the platform, the Comités Provinciaux de Suivi, composed of local authorities and mining administrations, will monitor and follow up the incidents. The platform will be launched in South Kivu in September 2018 and later in Ituri,

Download Progress Report 1


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